Wife's 2011 3rd Gen with 160k miles. developed the P0302 and P0304 Engine code. Replaced plugs, installed new injector on cylinder 2, switched coils (to isolate problem) cleaned the intake manifold and EGR pipe. it cleared out for a couple of weeks. The codes came back. I noticed coolant was running low, filled it up and a week passed, filled it up again. was about to tackle the EGR Cooler and clean it out, but noticed that coolant was low again. I fired up the engine and sure enough the smoke was bluish white, indicating head gasket. I'm looking for a good Prius mechanic recommendation in the SF Bay Area to get this done, as my wife does not want to buy a new car. Can anyone point me in the right direction?? Thanks appreciate the help.
Welcome to Prius Chat . Sorry to hear about your Prius. Some questions: What’s your timetable for repair? Is there another car your wife can drive while the Prius is out of service? You mention San Jose, but are you willing to travel north? What oil consumption are you seeing? What cost are you planning for? Good luck and keep us posted .
I think we should call this venture Ray the Critic's Turd Gen Savior Clinic. Seems like only a matter of time before a Bay Area, blown head gasket owner takes you up on it.
thanks for the welcome. my apologies for not chiming in until this car's problem has surfaced. wife and I both love this car so much, but we're disappointed at how its going so far with this problem. I thought that for sure this car will out mileage our old honda civic which we got rid of at 187k miles. anyway thanks again.
Hey Ray... here are my answers. timetable: asap/ shes now driving my fzj80 at 12mpg yes there's another car. my fzj80 would be willing to travel if the mechanic is really good. as far as I can tell no oil consumption. oil level is still above midpoint on the dipstick cost?? I don't know. hoping around $2500. I've been quoted $3500 and $3100. but Repairpal says $2500.. is this correct? anyway thanks
Your FZJ80 modded? With 156 k miles on the clock, it might be worth looking into a replacement engine. Some have done a Gen4 to Gen3 engine swap. As what you’ll be paying for in the head gasket is labor, may as well set yourself up for long term success. I know Maxat in the Sac area has done a couple engine swaps. One thing to be aware of if you go woth a shop in the Bay Area is cost. A premium for servicing is there. Good luck and keep us posted .