Overview - This is by far the most fun car to drive that I have ever owned. It reminds me of my younger days in a Triumph TR4. I just go cruising so I can drive the car and I am 67 now. My wife asked me how many tickets was I going to get Technology - The OTA software and firmware upgrades are amazing. It is like an Apple device on wheels. I had the car about 3 weeks when Tesla came out with the new Version 9 firmware upgrade with a lot of improvements to EAP, the touchscreen apps, Media player, and a front camera recorder. Prior to V9 only the front camera and sensors showed cars in front of you. Now all 8 cameras and sensors show cars all around you. It needs some refinement to the camera views but I am sure that will come quickly. To know that this technology is still in the development stages and I will continue to get ongoing improvements over the years is just amazing. Driving - The low center of gravity and the weight of the battery between front and rear wheels makes the car very stable in turns. It drives like a sports car with excellent response and suspension but has plenty of interior room for 5 adults. I have the single motor RWD version and it is plenty fast for me and more than enough to get me in trouble if I am not careful. Enhanced Auto Pilot - The Traffic Aware Cruise Control now has the ability to show cars all the way around you which is really nice. The distance following CC is great on the highway or around town in stop and go heavy traffic. The V8 version I originally received waited a little too late to me for picking up a car that was slowing down or stopping and was a little too aggressive in stopping. The V9 has improved on this and it is much closer to what I would do. The AutoSteer was also improved on V9 and does better with exit ramps and merging lanes than V8. AutoSteer is still in the early stages and you have to be alert and ready to take over. It is great on highways on long trips but is not ready for city driving where lane markings disappear at intersections, etc, or on roads where the lane markings have faded. Touchscreen - Coming from the Prius with the centered instrument panel, I have had no problem adapting to the centered touchscreen. The touchscreen is well laid out and does not take long to find your way around. Like most cars, once you have all of the settings to your preferences, you do not need to change screens that much during driving. Pricing - Is the car worth the high price? Once I convinced myself that I really needed the LR battery and that I was going to lose 1/2 of the tax credit if I waited for the SR battery, I bit the bullet. I have grandkids about 250 miles away and the 310 mile range fit my needs the best. It is by far the most expensive car I have ever purchased. Is it worth it to me now? Yes. As much fun as it is to drive, the technology available today and the continued improvement that I will continue to see well into the future, makes it a definite yes. What other car can you buy today that will continue to be improved at no cost to you and without having to see model upgrades with inticements to buy the new model? (Of course I do not know too many people that will admit they paid too much for a car ).
As much love as there is for software V9, by model 3 owners, there is a TMC pole showing nearly ½ of the MX & MS owners (portrait configured screen) absolutely hating it. Mapping colors have practically become monochrome in comparison to the older brilliant colors of V8. No longer can owners have rear view camera at the top of the screen where its view is most easily used in stead of the less revealing side view & rear view mirrors. etc. My better half, being her car, is in the hater camp. .
I am sorry to hear about S and X owners disappointment. I have not heard much from S and X owners on the TMC Model 3 site.
Thanks @bisco ! Yea, I take CR with a grain of salt. I hear questions on Tesla forums about why does CR hate Tesla so much?
there are 2 people that do roll backs, but not Tesla, even as many have tried to insist on a rollback. One of the owners performing this hack is in the Hickory North Carolina area & the other is in the San Francisco Bay Area. There's a nag screen that continues to request owners do the update - However - for the wise folk who read up as the complaints came in, & disallowed the update, there is a trick to even stop the update nag screen. You simply give the go-ahead to start the update now, then immediately start driving for a 20 minute minimum. The update system will freak, stop trying - stop nagging, & never nag again, unless the dealer does it. Of course you would insist that the update never get done if you went in for service. The redeeming thing is, Tesla listens to complaints & usually accommodates when things don't meet owner software expectations. It just might take a few months. .
Congratulations on your Model 3! I am a bit envious that you have V9 firmware I am hoping mine gets updated soon
Thanks! I hope you get V9 soon too. A lot of good improvements. I am surprised you do not have it yet.
The beauty of the Tesla system is that it can be tweaked to respond to user feedback, which it has already done many times. I hear that re-gen braking is being increased on the model 3 with an OTA update.