ive never posted here before but yall have been extremely helpful for me! Hopefully someone has an idea for me. I have a 2005 prius with a few different issues. Currently my BRAKE light is on, as well as the yellow (!) And ABS and VSC lights. I have no brake pressure, I have to put my foot to the floor to stop. (Taking it back to the dealer tomorrow) I had my 12volt replaced because the car wouldn't start. I have an issue where my dashboard lights wont come on (fuel gauge, MPH, etc) so I cant see what gear I'm in or how fast I'm going. Any ideas?
It would be interesting to hear what the dealer finds. It would be nice if you could confirm the actual voltage your 12v battery is supplying to the car. Believe it or not sometimes new batteries are not fully charged when the consumer buys them. If the seller doesn't fully charge them the battery could be supplying less voltage than you would expect. The 12 v battery must be charged and in good condition or it can cause problems with our prius.
Should have taken a picture of the engine compartment so we could see; if you have any brake fluid, or how low it is.
hello, this has happened to me! I get the struggle. you might need a new brake actuator You can easily buy the part at a salvage shop OEM or online to labor/replace it can cost 200 bucks it is located in a fairly difficult area good luck! there are youtube videos if you're up for the challenge
Damn! Labor rates are crazy cheap in your area. Are you sure $200? Or did you mean $2,000! $2k would be more appropriate. There's a lot of work to get at the ABS actuator as you know.
It’s 200! Yes we have mechanics EVERYWHERE here I had my inverter changed for just 50 bucks a while ago
Given that there are a number of electrical plugs that are typically removed with a 12V battery replacement, it is more than possible that one or more are not correctly seated, or not plugged in at all. In some cases, the ground cable is even unbolted from the body to replace the 12v, and any looseness there can cause all sorts of problems.