Been out of the country for the last week. Just learned of the "new" Model 3 Medium Range. It hit all my buttons. I placed my order tonight. Delivery in 4 to 6 weeks. Will get the full tax credit, regardless of what Congress does next year with the EV tax credit. The 2 year, 7 1/2 month wait has been worth it. My SIL demonstrated the new v.9 U.I. upgrade on his 3LR. Absolutely incredible! The FUTURE is here!
@Zythryn, thanks, I am stoked! I don't know if I can still do this since I already placed my order, but I will use your referral number so you could get some complimentary Supercharging.
Congratulations! Because of a discussion in another forum, I am interested in your decision to jump the gun and get a more expensive configuration. Would you mind telling what your total acquisition costs (including incentives but not "potential gas savings") would have been for your originally desired configuration, and what they will be for your Mr. 3? That's about what I figure I still have ahead of me.
Welcome to the family! Teslas are all about the feelings, completely different than the Prius. You get to encourage an American company too.
congrats man, can't wait until you get it! is there a place where the three different ranges are compared?
Congratulations! So glad for you. I hope you can make the December deadline for full tax credit. The V9 upgrade adds a lot of new features. It is awesome to know that as Tesla continues to improve and expand the abilities of their cars that you will continue to receive these upgrades. The OTA upgrade process is so neat. Just like updating Apple products!
The Tesla Model 3 website has the basic specs for each. The main items are range miles and weight. Basically: Long Range = 310 mile range (+$9000) Mid Range = 260 mile range. About 400 lbs. lighter than LR and said from removing cells from LR battery. (+$5000) Standard Range = 220 mile range. Lighter than MR.
No. Battery cells are the same. Battery pack is the same size and shape, although the MR has fewer cells in the pack than the LR. The SR, yet to be built, supposedly will have a smaller battery pack, although at this point this is speculative. The battery cell design is the same.
This is a chart prepared by @Troy teslike. My configuration is in the black box. I expect to get a bit over 300 miles range on the freeway with my relatively conservative driving style.
Congratulations! Best of luck with the purchase and delivery process. I already know you will keep us posted.....
Indeed, without a Tesla he has been quite the pest. Bob Wilson ps. Congratulations! Now go away. <GRINS>
The configuration I chose is $51K sticker price but it is going to cost me a net of USD$40.5K (plus taxes and delivery) after credits and rebates. The reason I chose to purchase the 3MR rather than the 3SR: - I am concerned the 3SR will only be offered in a bare-bones model with few options. The 3MR is being offered with all the current available options to select. - The 3SR will be available in 4 to 6 MONTHS. Although it is not certain what Washington will do for the tax credit in 2019, it will probably be reduced by at least $3,750. That's the same as money out of my pocket. I have 4 to 6 WEEKS delivery schedule with my 3MR which guarantees me the full $7500 tax credit, so I just saved myself $3750. - i also saved myself $4000 for a potential 50 miles of extra range for the 3LR which I would rarely, if ever, use. - So it nets out to an additional $7750 saving for this 3MR model as opposed to the 3LR, in my case. The 3MR just made sense to my specific case that may not apply to others. I know how excruciating the wait is! My wife is even more excited about our order than I am. I think you will begin to see European deliveries within the next 6 months. Right now, Tesla is producing close to 10K cars per week. They will be able to meet most of their initial model 3 reservation demand (~400K) by the end of next year for purchasers world wide.