Hello Everyone. I just did the first transmission fluid change today on my prius. I have only had it for 6 months and it is a used car from 2010. The fluid was black. I filled it back up with about 4 quarts using the techniques shown by most videos (ie... drain and fill). However, now it sounds like its whining a bit. Is this normal. Advise would be be appreciated. Thanks!
How many miles were on it when you changed atf? Some people say if its passed certain miles, you'd ride the ATF to the end. Which fluid did you put in?
My whines . As long as you used the toyota trans fluid you should be good to go Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
If I remember correctly, the trans takes 4.5 quarts. Did you lift front and rear and make sure the car was level? Also, fill until oil starts coming out of the fill plug. Pixel XL ?
When I did our 2010 at 143 k miles it was black. But when I changed it around 175 k miles it was purple . I hear a clicking sound when going slow and turning the wheel and have for years and tens of thousands of miles. I just keep driving.
I'd have to hear the whine to be able to say for sure.... Don't fall for the old "don't change the ATF" story! Here's some information on the ATF fluid debate....which mostly does NOT apply to Priuses since the "transaxle" in a G3 doesn't have a bunch of clutches that might be adversely affected by putting new fluid in the car. https://www.cars.com/articles/2013/07/do-you-really-need-to-change-the-transmission-fluid/ IIRC, there is a torque limiter which is kind of 'clutch-ish' but it doesn't engage-disengage (IIRC) and I'm thinking that a failure of this part of the unit would not be preceeded by a "whine." I've never heard of any problem whatsoever from changing the fluid even in a high mileage G3. As stated above, as long as you used the right fluid (there are electrical windings in the unit!) and you didn't under-fill it you should be OK. Good Luck!
It's roughly 3.5 quarts. And yeah, use Toyota ATF WS. To get the level right, fill with the car levelled, till it starts coming back out. Drain/fill bolt torque is 29 ft/lb.
That old saying is for automatic transmissions with torque converters, gears, and valves. Aka not a power slit device like a Prius.
I'm going through the same thing. Whine in rite in front of steering wheel..... my fluid was black also.....the noise goes away when letting off or push the gas peddle...very annoying...at cruising speed. I'm afraid it might be the trans-axle..... already had the inverter replaced and a new traction battery......no whine at lower speeds......
206,000 first time toyota fluid....second time synthetic..... new inverter board from toyota last summer under warranty.... put in neutral and the noise goes away.....
So are you going to replace the transaxle just because it makes some noise? Why not leave it alone and see what happens.
I hate to go on long trips with the trani noise...... be a bummer to have a trani problem 1000 miles from home.... already had the inveter go out 1100 miles from home...... this car has a lot of miles but the motor doesn't use any oil....