I don't believe there ever was a "standard range". As I recall, it was always "Long Range" and "Short Range". This is a previously unannounced version. Frankly, with how close people watch the EPA and NHSTA for any Tesla related data, I am quite surprised this one snuck threw. It took everyone by surprise. As you noted, only available with premium interior and it isn't the "short range" so no, it is not yet the base model. But it does knock $4k off the price of the formerly cheapest available Tesla to order.
See for yourself: Model 3 | Tesla Indeed, I cannot recall anyone ever speculating about an in-between battery. So has it been confirmed that a shorter range version is yet to come? No doubt there will now be speculation that the short/standard range battery is the same physical capacity as the mid range, but with a software cap.
I may consider this mid-range pack when we purchase ours in April. I always felt the long range was a little more than we needed and the short one just a little too short. The mid-range pack will stretch our road trips just a little bit, but only by a little bit and only during the winter. Will have to have the option of AWD I think though. I know the RWD is supposed to handle snow and ice well, but I need it to handle somewhat deep snow well.
Thanks, I had never heard of it referred to anything other than ‘short range’. Guess that was just the term most folks on Tesla forums and staff used in person. I doubt Tesla will software cap the upcoming short range battery. Battery production is one of their bottlenecks. About two months ago, Musk stated the 215 mile pack is scheduled to be available in 8 months. So I would cautiously expect it around May or June.
Hoping the release of the mid range pack does not indicate weaker demand than thought for the longer range trims.
That's what the FUDsters will undoubtedly tout. If they were getting weak in the US market they could always send more internationally. Also, if they thought in any way demand was getting weak they wouldn't be spending a ton of money on Gigafactory 3 which will have a big Model 3 output.
Markets don’t seem to be convinced on this today. Certainly shortselling could be the reason for this, but that should not effect the long-term position of Tesla unless FUD hampers Teslas ability/cost to borrow/bonds. That’s one of the reasons I’m long on Tesla. Short to medium term volatility can make one dizzy.
Markets do what markets do. Shorters and investors should look longer term otherwise they are just day-traders. 250 might be the new level. For now. As far as the latest press release...... if I'm understanding it they're making adjustments AHEAD of demand changes. That's how you keep from becoming Sears. I'm thinking that it's a move in the right direction, but I'm a downmarket buyer and so the new giga-factory is probably for me since someday TSLA is going to have to produce a median-price car for median income buyers. Maybe they'll call it the 4, as in for-real this time. That will be a good thing too, since it will give them time to put some more pins in their supercharger map. The one closest to me (20 miles) appears to be built but I've never seen a car charging there, and the next closest one (60 miles) is still somewhat 'notional.' As for the price of the newest release? 45 large is getting there. Looking at their latest press release however, I'm a little curious about their math...... They tout something like "as low as $35k" after rebates in Caly. I'm trying to get a cite, but Elon must have people managing his press (it's about time!) and doing some quick "data management." Meanwhile, in the real world if I understand all of the key words and tricky phrases, the 7.5k tax kickback for T3's will change to something else after this (2018) tax year. Tesla Cars $7500 Tax Credit Is Ending - Tesla Tax Credit Deadline One good thing about posting on a Prius site that has Tesla fans is that instead of searching through the entire world in the Googles, Prius people tend to go fangs-out pretty quickly when somebody tried to seperate fact from fiction. If I'm misinformedabout something I then only have to ground-truth THEIR responses! Best research tool ever! EDIT: Got it! Had to look in a far-right source..... Tesla CEO Elon Musk tweets about $35,000 Model 3, but not base model Tesla CEO Elon Musk just unveiled a cheaper Model 3 Opps. They're walking it back even as I type this. Originally they said through 2019....and listed a lower price. Correction: The initial version of this story misstated the lowest sticker price for the new model. It is $45,000. Want to know why their stock is so volatile? Easy. Market researchers are ill equipped to wait while TSLA "searches for the truth!"
that was a very confusing article. who said what when? my take is that there is a new mid range model that starts at 45k,and nets out at a certain lower number depending on fed and state credits, as well as gas and electron prices x the number of miles you drive. but if auto stocks rose or fell with the veracity of the marketeers, they'd all be way down.
Concur. As does the market. They're hanging in at 260. A little over priced IMHO but living to fight another day....
bull "wisdom" is that since Tesla is still battery production constrained and they know a bunch of people are still waiting for SR, offering an in-between version that is the same pack but has fewer cells allows them to grab a few more people before the year is over and stretch their battery production capacity into a bit more cars before the credit is cut in half.
OK....now I think I get it. This is all about Q4 production. If yanking some cells from the pack means they can punch out more units in Q4 then they might be in a position to finish strong for the year, since the street price for the 3(mr?) will be $41,250 plus ttl. What Electric Car Tax Credits are Available in 2018? | EnergySage Tesla ‘damned if you do, damned if you don’t’ on $35,000 Model 3: analyst - MarketWatch The Real Cost of Tesla's New '$35,000' Model 3 - TheStreet
Beware of any article from MarketWatch, TheStreet, or SeekingAlpha. From what I can tell you don't have to have many credentials to post an "article" there.