Current Altima is called "Bonnie"... she is all black and named for "Bonequesha" one of our fav Christmas songs...
My wife's 2008 is blue, so she named it Joni. I wanted more trunk space, so I found a Prius V. The most obvious name is Privus.
I named my Prius Dark Star because for a long time I went by the nick name Pinback. Friends of mine in collage decided that I looked and acted like the character Pinback in the movie Dark Star. And I had a pet beach ball (well maybe I was her pet, hard to tell) who was a corpulent (at times) golden retriever. Her disposition was far nicer than the beach ball alien in the movie however. When I got this dark grey 2009 Prius, it was like an advanced space ship by comparison to my previous craft which was a Toyota Echo. ( a very under rated vehicle as economy cars go, they are great little cars.) Given the dark color of the car it seemed to make sense except that the Dark Star ship was actually white in the movie. Oh well.
I'm sure I've posted this before in similar threads...or maybe even this one.... But, every vehicle I have ever owned, I have named. This tradition started when I was a kid, and with my mother, who gave a name to all our vehicles. They never were, just what they were. But the only reason I mention it now, is oddly the Prius, was the only vehicle I never could really name. I liked the Prius. I liked it a lot. But I could never really "feel" a name. As long as I owned it, it was always just the Prius. My current Honda Fit...only took me a week or two to name it Kellas. A small black cat of Scotland. Un-creative, but mostly because the Fit is small, black, and growls occasionally. But the name came to me, it WAS the vehicles name. The Prius...was always just the Prius.
We've always named all of our vehicles....and thusly way back in 2010 when I traded my old company car (call sign: Squeaky) my CFO christened my brand spanking new 2010, ii, BWP company car "Goofy." for fairly obvious reasons. 8 years and 150,000 miles later.... I traded my company car for ANOTHER 2010, BWP ii with 70,000 sign GoofyToo. I barely missed out on an opportunity to get another 2010 with only 20,000 miles on the clock from a tech who just didn't want to drive it (hence the reason it was surplussed.) HOWEVER (comma!) his car and Goofy both have OBD2/GPS/GSM tracking devices, and (for now) GoofyToo does not, which means that my new boss will not get a nasty-gram from the head-shed about an employee using "excessive acceleration" while driving a company kidding..... ...actually happened to me once! My boss actually understood my actions because.....well....he drove a Prius too! Anyone who does not use "excessive acceleration" while on an interstate on-ramp.....IN A very likely to cause an accident....and I never got flagged again.
"My Car" ... as opposed to my wife's "Your Car". I'm new ... expect a lot of old threads on the rebound.