all. First time posting so please excuse me if I did not put this in the right forum or if someone has already answered this. I am looking to put new tires on my 2015 Prius after 56K miles and I am looking for the best to use on a hybrid (first hybrid i have owned). I live in Columbus, OH and this will be the first time I have had the car in a place that has a decent winter. So I am looking at tires that will work year around but that are really good in snow and ice. (My job only cancels if there is a level 2 emergency or worse and I live 18 interstate miles away.) ((. That being said I am currently looking at the Toyo Celsius tires as my husband has had very good exerience with that brand on his truck. I am curious about several things, First, has anyone ever had these tires before? How were they? Second has anyone ever had them on a prius? Third, how does it affect MPG? FOurth, Is there anything specific to Prius or Hybrids that I need to watch out for? Fifth, Can anyone recommend other types of tires and their plusses or drawbacks in relation to a prius? Thanks. Also any tips for driving in snow or winter conditions in a Prius?
welcome! 1) prius mpg are very sensitive to tire selection and likely a problem with excellent snow and ice performance. for this reason, some will have a second set of steel wheels with snows. 2) i have read occasional reviews here about good winter performance, if you can find the threads through search or google. 3) all the best!
If you have to frequently drive in the snow, get a dedicated set of snow tires. Tires designed for low rolling resistance for high mileage do not perform well in the snow.
Make sure to get LRR tires. When I first got new tires on my 2011, my mpg dropped but after the tires got broken in, the mpg returned to 50 mpg. iPad ?
I think if you took a poll concerning llr tires most would agree, they have stiffer sidewalls so they ride harsher, they are loud and they have a short life, I'd suggest Michelin Defenders, an all season 90,000 mile tire, or of course Nokian snow tires, but then you switch tires on rims twice a year or you buy another set of rims and tpms.
+1 Best to buy steel rims for the snows. I have driven my Prius for 100K miles since I've owned it. Never had LRR tires on it. With the 15s, ( dealer installed) averaged low 50s for over 60K miles. They are still good. With the 17s that are now on the car, about 50. Both are a lot quieter.