Hi folks, First time Prius owner here - paid $5k yesterday for an 08 Touring with 133k miles. I haven't gotten it inspected yet :/ and hoping I don't regret it (taking it in on Thursday). I was filling the tank for the first time today, and noticed too late that gas was leaking from somewhere inside the body of the vehicle and down onto the ground. I estimate about a third of a gallon total. The gas pump did not auto shut off. I've read of folks having issues with fuel burping out from the fuel inlet, but have not heard of this issue. Any idea about what's up? Can I inspect the fuel lines somehow? I am new to automobile maintenance, but pretty handy generally. I think I need a Chilton's manual for this year...
You sure it did not overflow out of the inlet and go down the gas recovery reservoir at the inlet hole? Never heard of a fuel leak on this car other than gas pump not shutting off and the inlet area hosed down.
In Texas a dealer can't sell an uninspectable vehicle, was it a private sale or from a dealer, either way, it's uninspectable, so return it.
Pretty sure! I will see next time I fill up... I found this other thread and am guessing I could have a similar issue: Got a new to me 2015 Prius Two with a Fuel Leak Question | PriusChat
Not sure what you mean by "uninspectable"...I bought from a small dealer, they're handling the state inspection on Monday. In my OP I meant I hadn't gotten a mechanical inspection to check for issues.
He means it must be able to pass a state inspection. Any new Prius G2 owner should be aware of the difficulty gassing the car up. It has a vapor recovery bladder which creates lots of fueling issues. After 11 years of ownership I have found its best to pull up to the gas pump and take the cap off and go in the store for a while and let the tank vent. If you pull up to the pump and immediately stick the gas pump in the car it will like to shut off alot and many people try to force feed it gas and that creates the gas overflow issue. Welcome to a G2.
Chilton/Haynes is junk. Do yourself a favor and get the factory service manual; you will be amazed at amount of detail and info. Get mini VCI w/ Tech stream (Amazon, $25+). Best installed on obsolete Windows 32bit OS (XP, Vista, 7) laptop. Mac install possible. Ask family/friends/coworkers in IT for an obsolete laptop laying around collecting dust; someone will have one. All other OBD2 readers are limited and CAN NOT read all Prius codes. Techstream is the official diagnostic software written for Lexus/Toyota, and is what Lexus/Toyota dealers use. Examine by looking UP, while being under the car via 4 jack stands or commercial lift. Best to do inspection while refilling from a two-5 galling gas can (helper required to refill) while you are underneath the car looking. You are driving a 2008 (Gen2 Prius). A 2015 is a Gen3. Bladder gas tank was eliminated in Gen2 (2010-2014) Prius line and beyond. Bladder gas tank and refuelling seems to be inconvenient in COLD/snowy regions. Austin, TX, is not either of those. Just refuel as you normally do. Winter time you may have to refill a little more often than Spring/Summer.
If you spill gas on the ground while filling the gas tank, that auto doesn't pass inspection, anywhere, so the dealer can fix it or refund your money, luckily it wasn't a private sale, a bladder spitting gas back out the gas port is one thing, gas spilling on the ground from a rusted or cracked part is another.
So, I got a mechanical inspection from...well...a mechanic. They confirmed my suspicion - the filler neck leading into the gas tank is cracked, apparently because of an impact on the bottom of the gas tank. They recommend the whole tank be replaced, along with all gaskets and seals - they quoted me $1400 for parts and labor Luckily, I have a week warranty from the small dealer I bought from - I got it in writing that he would handle any major issues that the mechanical inspection turned up. I'm taking it back to him next week and he's gonna have his mechanic do the tank replacement at no cost to me. Hopefully all will be well after that! Thanks all for your help!
How did the novel end? Did you keep it, with them repairing, or make them take it back, or something else???