Category: 5 FAQs Type: FAQs Article Name: Acronym Glossary Author: cybele Description: >>Read Full Article
Nicely done, Cybele! If anyone has any additions, please post them here - cybele and I can go in and edit the FAQ as needed.
Thanks, Danny. I'm sure some of our more technically proficient members can offer more detailed descriptions of many of these items and I hope they'll contribute them. In the mean time, it should be enough so that us layfolk can read some of the threads without being too out of it. I also wanted to include some of the things that those not in the United States might not be aware of (and those terms used in other countries as well would be great additions).
RSS rich site summary... seems like this has become a popular question.. RSS is basically a fast easy way to summarize a dynamic website using formattable text that is platform independent. (iow, dont matter what kind of browser you are using since it wouldnt be using your browser. at least that is the way its supposed to work. some ISP's may not be as agreeable to that notion.) although there is now a million diffferent varieties of RSS, the most common (i think) is works sort of like a stock ticker in that its constantly updated.
There's a slight error in the glossary where DVD is defined: "DVD - Digital Video Disk - the source disk for the navigation system, it contains the software and database for the mapping system" It should say Digital Versatile Disk. The idea that the V means video is a pretty common notion, but it does actually mean Versatile.
that is correct. the term digital video disks referred to the "LP record" like video laser disks that came out in the late 80's and early 90's. great technology but at nearly 12" in diameter, not very portable or conveinent.
Isn't DVD even a patented and trademarked name? And DVD's arn't limited strictly to video, that's's simply where they found the most use originally, since most of us just don't need discs that can hold more than the 700-800MB that a CD can. I do believe they use them for the current line of console platforms, though.
No, that's LaserDisc (or "Disk" - I can never remember which trademarks use which spelling). Digital Video Dis[ck] is the old name for what is now called Digital Versatile Dis[ck]. The name was changed to reflect the fact that it had gained many other uses. It's still exactly the same DVD, though - same 12cm size, same data layout, everything. Just a re-branding, is all.
In 1967 (!) I attended a meeting at the University of Utrecht (my alma mater) where researchers from Philips gave a demonstration of the video laser disc. (so they invented it in the late 60's).
I thought "DVD" stood for nothing. Initially it was Video, the Versatile, then nothing. At least that is my recollection. aha! a cite Brian
Speaking of acronyms. Anyone know what HV, as in the HV computer in the Prius, stands for; and what its function is? Triangle warning light kept going on and off for several days, though the Prius still runs. Took it in and was told that there was significant voltage fluctuations coming out and the HV computer needed replaced. Part due in ?tomarrow?
I believe it stands for Hybrid Vehicle. As in Hybrid Vehicle Computer, which would be a generic term that would encompass all of Toyota's HV computer eventually. But I'm just guessing. Anyone else have a clue?
I was hoping for a more specific answer as it is my understanding that there are actually 4 different computers in the car.
more than that actually HV (controls drive force)\ Motor (controls the inverters to output 3 phase AC) Engine (controls the electric throttle, injector, VVTi, etc) Brake (controls the braking force and source friction or regen.) Battery (monitors and controls SOC) there is also yaw rate and deceleration (only with VSC vehicles)
How about adding MIL (Malfunction Indicator Light) and IG-ON (when you press the Power button twice without your foot on the brake).
shouldnt methanol be CH3(OH)? there is also MEA which is methyl-ethanol amine and good ole blasting agent or MEAN (methyl-ethanol amine nitrate) and yes at an average ph of 12.2 it was VERY VERY MEAN!!