Brakes and P1121 code

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting' started by yoshihasaprius, Oct 16, 2018.

  1. yoshihasaprius

    yoshihasaprius New Member

    Oct 16, 2018
    2005 Prius
    Hi Everyone,
    I have been reading this forum for about a year now and I finally caved and decided to post for HELP.

    So I have my toyota prius 2005 (her name is becky with the good rims) I keep her well maintained. I also put every single change she gets in a book with DATE and COST.

    unfortunately, I have been having one problem after an other with her.

    She recently got a p1121 code. I am aware that it is a coolant valve and I do plan on buying the OEM part because dorman has such BAD reviews.
    but here's the thing,
    I took her to my mechanic and so he can run the code and suddenly the lights on the engine were flashing. next thing you know all my engine and abs etc lights turn on. since then, there has been a delay in her braking along with the hybrid fan turning on.
    if it's the hybrid battery, I know I can fix it. but has anyone else had any experience similar to this? she's not the same anymore ):

    This issue was NOT present prior to getting the code checked.
    My mechanic tried resetting the lights and it wouldn't.

    someone help me out
    I really love my prius and I want to save her and our relationship LOL. I am a struggling college student and really can't afford to purchase another car but if the fix cost more than her ... Imma have to sell her or trade her in :(
  2. bisco

    bisco cookie crumbler

    May 11, 2005
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base

    how many miles on her?
  3. exstudent

    exstudent Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2009
    Torrance, CA
    2007 Prius
    Its concidence. Remember, the vehicle is 13years old and has unspecified miles (assumed to be high mileage vehicle). Things will break at any time as vehicle get old/high mileage. It just sucks that it happening all at once.

    1) Your mechanic does not have a Prius capable OBD2 equipment. Find a new mechanic.

    2) Braking issues could be who knows. Best NOT to drive the vehicle with compromised brakes; how big is your auto liability policy? Get the codes read by Prius capable OBD2 reader. Universal readers will miss many Prius specific codes. It could be the ABS module; pricey to replace; $1400 new OEM part. Maybe it could be the high pressure accumulator? Get the codes read.

    3) Being able to hear the HV Battery fan is not a good sign. If it is the original battery that came with the car, it is most likely dying; 13years though is a great run. If you want a reliable car, replace with a NEW OEM HV Battery $1700-$2200) is you best bet. Module swapping or getting a used/rebuilt/remanufactured/reconditioned will not give you a reliable battery (plan on future breakdowns). Get the codes read.

    4) Stop naming your cars so you don't get attached to them. Mass produced vehicles are a depreciating asset that gets you from point A to B, and get replaced when no longer reliable and/or costly to maintain. Just like your socks, they serve a purpose; when it is worn out, your replace it.

    GET THE CODES READ by an OBD2 reader that can read Prius specific codes; Toyota dealers, Hybrid specialty shops, etc.
  4. yoshihasaprius

    yoshihasaprius New Member

    Oct 16, 2018
    2005 Prius

    Hello exstudent
    Thanks for the rapid response
    1.He has fixed previous issues and always read the code correctly. This is the first time she’s ever done this. I’ll ask what his equipment is and verify if it’s appropriate for a Prius. Just for the sake of clear mind

    2. I garauntee you that I have not been driving her in these conditions. I lose my sanity if it’s the ABS module/assembly which does seem unlikely because she is not having brake fail like Symptoms. She is actually have a delay on accelerating. I do know that this may be as if a result on P1121

    3. If it’s the HV battery, I know someone who can change the modules that are failing. This person did change it before and he did inform me that it may continue to happen until they are all replaced and even so it will still inexpensive in comparison to a new HV battery. I’m not too worried about that :X

    4. I name every single car I have owned. I understand that in the end of a day it’s an equipment that accrues depreciation and may lead to an exchange in order to maximize the profit of my investments and extend the value of my other assets. I get it. But Becky is my little Prius and if she has to retire I will do with an honorary discharge because that girl has been through hell and back LOL.
  5. yoshihasaprius

    yoshihasaprius New Member

    Oct 16, 2018
    2005 Prius

    Becky got baggage
    She is 177k years old

    If she can last another 6 months I will invest in a newer used vehicle maybe a Prius, who knows ‍♀️
  6. exstudent

    exstudent Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2009
    Torrance, CA
    2007 Prius
    Not may continue to happen, but WILL CONTINUE TO HAPPEN.
    Module replacement WILL lead to continual failure of the other original modules that are 13+ years old (2018-2005= 13) for you.

    1) How much did that person charge for a module replacement? How many modules were replaced at that time? This is money would have put you x-dollars closer to a new OEM HV Battery.

    2) Which do you value: money or time/reliability?
    A new OEM HV battery is pricey, but with that you can count on 8-10+years of reliability. Expensive yes, but its relative. Cheapest online price for a genuine OEM HV Battery, from an actual dealer is $1699.70; Conicelli Toyota; you would need to call and verify that they will sell to you, as not all dealers will do so.

    Amortize the cost over the likely life expectancy of 10years, then its not so expensive.
    $1699.70/10years = $169.97/year = $14.16/month = $3.54/week = $0.51/day
    If you give-up 3 Starbucks latte a month, for the next 10years, you just paid for this HV Battery.
    The car could be worth $zero. But, the HV Battery gives you flexibility b/c it can be transferred into a younger/lower mileage Gen2 (2004-2009), or into a Gen3 (2010-2015) via module swap into the Gen3 HV Battery case, and possibly into a Gen4 (module swap due to different HV Battery case). Also, you could sell the OEM HV Battery, recovering a fair amount of your expense, if a cost prohibitive auto accident or future repair bill occurs.

    A used/rebuilt/remanufactured/reconditioned HV Battery is a horrible choice. Very few good "rebuilds" exist b/c the Gen2 modules are OLD (9-14 years) and getting older. Some of these used HV Batteries come with a warranty that only covers the part; you will have to pay for labor. Many people who went the used/rebuilt/remanufacture/reconditioned route have regretted it as it cost them more money in the long run, esp when they were planning to keep their car. If you were getting rid of it the next day, the next owner will experience the misery of these Frankenstein batteries.

    You wouldn't buy a used tire expecting it to give you the same longevity as a new tire? Besides, with used tires there is a safety concern, esp if it is more than 5 years old. Too bad modules are not like tires, where you can physically see how much life is left. Modules can test well (voltage reading, resistance reading, etc), but once placed into service in the real world, who knows.

    You can always earn more money by: spending less, raise/new job, 2nd job, and sell stuff. But you can never earn more time or regain time, that an inconvenient break down will cause.

    Good luck.