KM/h - MPH

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by Batavier, Jul 26, 2004.

  1. Batavier

    Batavier Member

    Mar 16, 2004
    The Netherlands
    Today I drove a Prius (thanks to my Toyota dealer) for an extended test drive. Even though I already ordered a Prius, my dealer thinks it's a good thing for me to enjoy a ride in it now and then until my own Prius arrives. I only have to fill it up with some gas before I return it. :D

    Anyway, as my GF and I were experimenting with the nav system (while being parked of course :) ), I thought about the KM/h vs. MPH button. I've seen it mentioned on these boards: a button that can switch between KM/h and MPH. Well... it's not on the European Prius, except for the UK one I think. In the Dutch manual it says that this option is only available on right hand drive cars.

    Is this true? Would it be possible to switch to MPH via one of the 'secret' diagnostic menus? And is this option available in the US or Canada. I guess it is available in Japan, NZ, Australia and UK.

  2. kam

    kam New Member

    Apr 21, 2004
    It's on the Canadian version and I think the US has it as well. Just out of curiosity, what's in place of that button on the European version? Or is it just a blank?

    Don't know anything about switching it through the diagnostics menu.
  3. daniel

    daniel Cat Lovers Against the Bomb

    Feb 25, 2004
    Spokane, WA
    2004 Prius
    The US version does have it. It's useful when driving to Canada, where they use metric. (Canada is more civilized than us in every respect!)

    Once, when the car was brand new and I was playing with stuff, I got into km/h by accident. I glanced at the display and thought I was speeding big time. But it looked and felt like I was going normal speed. Took me a minute or two to realize, and switch back to mph.
  4. kam

    kam New Member

    Apr 21, 2004
    :D The same thing happened to me when on my first drive home (except it had been left in mph). Couldn't figure out why everyone was driving so slowly. I figured they must all be slowing down to stare at my beautiful new car. Of course then I flew by one of those signs that shows you your speed ...... :oops:
  5. IsrAmeriPrius

    IsrAmeriPrius Progressive Member

    May 27, 2004
    Southern California
    2005 Prius
    Last time I checked, the US version was a left hand drive.

  6. Frank Hudon

    Frank Hudon Senior Member

    Jan 11, 2004
    the CDN model's are not avialilable with Nav, but we do have the kmk/mph button on the dash.
  7. Frank Hudon

    Frank Hudon Senior Member

    Jan 11, 2004
    Daniel just a question if you have nav can you plan a trip into Canada and have it take you to a street address in a Canadian city?
  8. DaveinOlyWA

    DaveinOlyWA 3rd Time was Solariffic!!

    Apr 13, 2004
    South Puget Sound, WA
    2013 Nissan LEAF
    ok ... why is nav not available in Canada??

    not enough streets to make it worthwhile. (remembers trip up AlCan highway when a kid on way to Alaska. actually only remembers miles and miles of wilderness...)
  9. Batavier

    Batavier Member

    Mar 16, 2004
    The Netherlands
    I know you peeps drive on the right (left) side of the road and I thought I knew the US and Canadian version had this. Or I thought I did, but that little piece of information in the manual made me doubt my memory. It seems that Toyota changed this at least for the Dutch version of the Prius. I really don't like it, because I often go on holiday to the UK.

    And the button is in the center of the dashboard, below the screen besides the trip button. There are no letters on it, just the sign for a speedometer (which is odd, because the Prius doesn't have such a meter :p ). I think in your cars there's something like this on it:


    Also pressing the button lowers the intensity of dashboard lighting to the lowest setting, pressing it again raises it, pressing it a third time raises intensity another step and pressing it a fourth time puts it back at normal lighting intensity. Not only the speed display, but also the MFD lighting is changed by this. Next time I'll check if that's the only way to change the lighting intensity of the dashboard instruments.
  10. kenmac

    kenmac New Member

    Apr 15, 2004
    Perth, Western Australia
    The Oz versions have the same button, location, and designation - it only controls display intensity (main display and speedo etc.) and doesn't toggle kph/mph.
    I think that must be available only where the dual situation may exist (i.e. US/Canada)
    It could possibly be programmable though.
    Does the kph/mph change require a special sequence?
    Surely it wouldn't toggle that each time you change intensity - that would be dangerous!
    I thought it a bit odd that the label was for an analogue speedo .
    Maybe it represents a rotary rheostat which would normally be used for intensity control in most cars.

  11. bruceha_2000

    bruceha_2000 Senior Member

    Jan 2, 2004
    Northwest VT
    2018 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    Must be no one told the Japanese decision makers about the Chunnel! I can see not having it in Austrailia or New Zealand, people are HIGHLY unlikely to be driving their car in another country :)
  12. daniel

    daniel Cat Lovers Against the Bomb

    Feb 25, 2004
    Spokane, WA
    2004 Prius
    Frank: Sorry. I have the #7. No NAV. I'd have taken a #9 just to get the car sooner, but I didn't want it, and my dealer was really good: he traded allocations with another dealer in order to get me exactly the color and options I wanted (and in the process got me my car a month sooner than I would have waited for the wrong color/package.)

    Batavier: In the Americas we drive on the right-hand side of the road (a British friend of mine has a long and complicated theory about this, involving horses and the French Revolution). Our mph/kph button has only two states and does not affect lighting intensity.
  13. Frank Hudon

    Frank Hudon Senior Member

    Jan 11, 2004
    I tried to find out why it wasn't available in Canada and was told Toyota figured there wasn't enough interest to warrant putting it in. The company that supplies the software is one of the reasons also I'm told that they were not satisfied with the database at the time of introduction. I've gone to their site and played with their demo software and it seems not to bad. There are at least 4 cities with over 1.5 million people here and probably at least 25 with .5 million so lots of possibilities for the use of it. So I don't understand Toyota unless they don't have the English/French problem figured out.
  14. Batavier

    Batavier Member

    Mar 16, 2004
    The Netherlands
    Of course you drive on the right side of the road, I made a bit of mistake there. :) /smackhead

    And yes I've seen many theories on why we drive on the right side of the road, interesting stuff that. I think it was Sweden (or was it Norway?) that until quite late in the 20th century was still driving on the left side of the road.

    And not only the Chunnel will get your car 'across' the Channel, lots of ferry services as well. So that's why I'd love to be able to switch between MPH and KM/h.

    Does the American (and other countries with the MPH/KMh switch) have another button to change the dashboard lighting?
  15. LeVautRien

    LeVautRien Member

    Jul 23, 2004
    New Orleans
    2004 Prius
    Yep, there's a wheel to dim and brighten it.
  16. tms13

    tms13 Member

    May 25, 2004
    Lochcarron, UK
    2017 Prius Prime
    Business Ed. Plus
    In the UK model, the dimmer/units button works as described above for the dimmer function - it cycles between the four different brightnesses (if the lights are lit) or does nothing (lights off). To toggle the speedometer display, you need to press and hold it for about a second (similar to the long press to reset a trip counter).

    I'm surprised if it's not present in the European LHD models, as Continental drivers in UK and Ireland are probably comparable to the number of Brits/Irish abroad. And I heard that Eire was considering moving to metric speed limits (they already use km for distance).
  17. Batavier

    Batavier Member

    Mar 16, 2004
    The Netherlands
    I tried holding it for a few seconds, but that didn't help. :)
  18. Marg

    Marg New Member

    Mar 25, 2004
    Eastern Ontario, Canada
     tried to find out why it wasn't available in Canada and was told Toyota figured there wasn't enough interest to warrant putting it in. The company that supplies the software is one of the reasons also I'm told that they were not satisfied with the database at the time of introduction. I've gone to their site and played with their demo software and it seems not to bad. There are at least 4 cities with over 1.5 million people here and probably at least 25 with .5 million so lots of possibilities for the use of it. So I don't understand Toyota unless they don't have the English/French problem figured out.[php]
    I have heard rumours that in 2005 a Canadian Package "C" will become available and that this package will have NAV.  (Currently only A and B are available).   I don't know if the rumours are true, though.
  19. DaveinOlyWA

    DaveinOlyWA 3rd Time was Solariffic!!

    Apr 13, 2004
    South Puget Sound, WA
    2013 Nissan LEAF
    i dont have nav but i was lucky enough to know someone who had a fully loaded Prius (he is the one who convinced me to buy one, and he never said a word about it. he just loaned me his car)

    now this was before it was updated, but the nav worked rather strangely to say the least. some of the voice commands would give very strange results and sometimes i got the impression that the business search was weighted somehow.

    remember a few years back when yahoo admitted that people could pay to have their website come up in more searches?? so the search was driven by money instead of popularity?? well i had the distinct impression that the nav was the same way.

    for some background, the guy i know is an network tech who installs networked real time POS equipment which his company uses to compile sales data, etc. he travels several times a month and had to go oversee the install and configuration of several new customers and needed to hit 9 cities in 2 weeks. so he didnt want his car left at Sea-Tac, so i drove his car home.

    so i had a real long time to check out his car. well i would plug in things like "Chinese restaurant" and be sitting less than a few blocks away from one and get some other place 4 miles away. to be honest with ya, if i was truly in a place i was unfamiliar with, the nav would NOT be much of a help.

    also, it couldnt find my house. well it could, but there is no way i could use the direction it gave me to get there. (i live on a street that is 3 blocks long that spurs off a major divided street and there is only one way for each end depending on where you are coming in. there is a total of two ways in and can only be accessed from two directions despite being near a major 4 way intersection.) the nav directions would require me to hop the divider.

    now before we go shooting this post down, i live in one of the oldest partS of town. aint nothing been changed around my neighborhood for years. they did tear some old houses down at the end of the street and put in a new medical clinic but the traffic flow or street was not changed. (they did repave it THANK YOU!! those ruts hurt my baby!!)

    but the kicker is the owner of the Prius i borrowed. (in fact until i got my job, he basically hired me to shuttle him back and forth to the airport. so i had frequent use of his car. his company was working on major contracts for Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, and KFC amongst others so travel was involved 2-5 times a month) on the rare occasion that he worked close enough to drive to like seattle or Portland, his nav frequently could not find the store by name (he said it always worked if he knew the specific street address) which he really hated. he said if he knew about this quirk, he wouldnt have bothered. an example was he would be in a small suburb somewhere and punch in "Taco Bell" knowing the town only had one and it would direct him to a another one. well more than once he was not familiar enough to know that it was the wrong store until he actually drove there. to me if the addy always worked, then could be a minor thing, but he is pretty impatient (to say the least) and very very busy so i can see his point.