Hi everyone! It's been a wild ride the past two weeks.... but I have moved locations. Not just closer to home, but a better work experience for myself. And thus, for my clients. Still the same deals and the great inventory ... both here and coming. And, concern for you as far as carpool decals now. The same sound advice. If you need my help regarding anything Toyota makes, Prius Prime, or even a Tundra Tacoma or Camry or Prius ... anything we sell, just hit me up on my cell 949-689-0717 or email [email protected] as well. The hottest Prius right now is Prime. Dianne Whitmire Fleet and Internet Director South Coast Toyota 1966 Harbor Blvd, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 (949) 764-4140 office (949) 689-0717 cell (707) 202-3618 fax
Thanks for letting us know - enjoy a new view out the window, Dianne! (Had hoped you might move as far as the East Coast - we need better pricing out here!)