July is here! Halfway through the summer - how's your MPG?? Please post the following information (include as much as possible) as you drive your car this month: Tank miles: Overall Miles: Avg Tank Mileage: Avg Overall Mileage: Avg Temperature: Price per Tank: Avg Price per Gallon: June MPG Averages May MPG Averages April MPG Averages March MPG Averages
Tank #11 Tank miles: 306 Overall Miles: 4284 Tank Mileage: 34.8 Avg Overall Mileage: 49.2 Avg Temperature: low 70s? Displayed Mileage: 37.8 Tank #12 Tank miles: 360 Overall Miles: 4644 Tank Mileage: 39.2 Avg Overall Mileage: 48.4 Avg Temperature: low 70s ? Displayed Mileage: 39.0 The reason why my mileage was so low is because I was carrying a 17' 3" kayak on my roof. (all of tank 11 and most of tank 12). It is quite hydrodynamic at paddling speeds, but not so aerodynamic at 60MPH. Brian
Last Tank Total Miles: 603 Last Tank Mileage Calculated: 60.3 Last Tank Mileage Display: 60.9 Overall Miles: 7716 Avg Tank Mileage: 55.14 Avg Fill Amount: 10.11 Price per Tank: 17.77 Avg Price per Gallon: 1.75 The only thing out of the norm for my last tank was that the flashing fuel bar came on much earlier than usual. I'd been averaging well over 500 miles before the flash. This tank it came on at 463 miles. Since the display showed about 60 mpg and I knew I'd pumped 10 gallons at the last fill, I decided to go for 600 miles or almost 140 miles beyond the flash. I made it without trouble but had to keep pumping at the new fill through multiple nozzle click-offs in order to get another 10 gallons in the tank.
I wondered if there may have been other influences. Were your average speeds the same? More AC use? If it really is just the Kayak then it lends credence to the assertion that the windows down affects mileage greatly.(more than AC on)
Tank # 4 finished. Refueled full tank at 1 bar flashing. Fuel cost $Au39.36 Rate Au91.9c/L Fuel added 42.8L Tank Kms 875 Displayed tank average 4.8L/100km Calculated average 4.9L/100 Overall ODO 3583kms Temp. 10-15 deg. C kenmac
Mileage so far Have not kept detailed records to enable me to fill out the table for each tank. Have had my 04 package 7 since May 6th. Now have ~ 2800 miles on the car. Drive 55% freeway and 45% city. Worst mileage on a tank: 49.6 mpg Best Mileage on a tank: 51.3 mpg Total MPG to date 50.2 The most miles between fillups has been 531. It required 11.2 gallons to fill. Just returned from a trip thru Colorado mountains. The car strained mightily on the long climbs up steep grades. Battery quickly went down to one bar. The downhills were the opposite. Gas engine was off for almost 8 minutes on one descent. Battery was full and green at the end of most descents too. Averaged 57 MPG for 360 miles on this trip confirming the advantages on the downhill runs. My next fillup should be at least 54 MPG.
Re: Mileage so far That's awesome!!! I just got mine last week and am new to the board so I don't have all the details you are asking for ... we just went on a 4 hour road trip and I'm sitting pretty at 51.0 MPG ... lovin life!!!
Tank miles: 754.46______refuel 12.37gallons (2001-13gallons/tank) Overall Miles: 29,404 Avg Tank Mileage: 64.2 mpg by the screen / 61.0 mpg. by calculation Avg Overall Mileage: 59.67 mpg by calculation Avg temperature: 90 Price per Tank: $45.96 Avg Price per Gallon: $3.72($1=109Yen) 16.2 miles/$ _______________________ USK Bordeaux mica 2001 29,404.53 miles / 492.75 gallons = 59.67 mpg (25.37Km/L) 7/18/04
Tank miles: 760.87______refuel 12.65gallons (2001-13gallons/tank) Overall Miles: 30,165 Avg Tank Mileage: -- mpg by the screen / 60.2 mpg. by calculation Avg Overall Mileage: 59.69 mpg by calculation Avg temperature: 95 Price per Tank: $47.00 Avg Price per Gallon: $3.72($1=109Yen) 16.2 miles/$ _______________________ USK Bordeaux mica 2001 30,165.09 miles / 505.40 gallons = 59.69 mpg (25.37Km/L) 7/23/04
First month of owning my Prius I received my Prius on July 1st, so that's perfect to keep track of monthly mpg. Here are the numbers for the first 4 tanks: Tank #4: Tank Miles: 469 Overall Miles: 1555 Avg. Tank Miles: 49.4 (calc. 52.83) Avg. Overall Miles: 48.03 Avg. Temp: 70-95F Price per Tank: $16.5 Price per Gallon: $1.85 Mileage is slowly increasing. It's been hotter here. If I hadn't run my A/C so often the mileage might even be better. My commute is 15 miles (1/3 city, 2/3 freeway with hills). I haven't increased tire pressure yet. Last weekend we took Bruce on a trip from Portland to Eugene, to Florence on the coast and then via Lincoln city back again. My boyfriend was thrilled with the handling of the car on windy roads. He took turns at 50MPH with no problem. We love the VSC. And gas prices are dropping again. Tank #3: Tank Miles: 297 Overall Miles: 1086 Avg. Tank Miles: 49 (calc. 45.91) Avg. Overall Miles: 47.6 Avg. Temp: 70-95 Price per Tank: $12.8 Price per Gallon: $1.98 I filled this one up before going to work in the morning. It would only take 6.5 gallons. That's why I went less than 300 miles on a tank. The indicator went to full after fill-up, but it dropped faster than usual. Tank #2: Tank Miles: 427 Overall Miles: 789 Avg. Tank Miles: 47.7 (calc. 53.56) Avg. Overall Miles: 46.85 Avg. Temp: 65-80F Price per Tank: $15.3 Price per Gallon: $1.91 Tank #1: Tank Miles: 362 Overall Miles: 362 Avg. Tank Miles: 46 (calc 32.9?) Avg. Overall Miles: 46 Avg. Temp: 65-80F Price per Tank: don't know, dealer filled Price per Gallon: don't know, dealer filled
Partial results, as bought this month: July miles: 462 July consumption: 120.84 litres average mpg: 55.0 temperature: 12-25°C average price: 79.9p/l average cost: 6.6p/mile in US units: US mpg: 45.8 temp: 54-77°F price: US$5.56/USgal cost: US$0.121/mile Most of my driving is 70mph-ish motorway travelling, with a big chunk of commute that's about 1½ miles of 30mph and 12½ miles of 70.
[font=Courier New:6c2cf80c51] Date . . . . MPG . Miles . Gallons . Delta MPG . Lifetime MPG . Delta Ave. 07/03/04 . 19.95 . 214.10 . 10.734 . .-0.02 . . . . 22.11 . . . -0.07 07/12/04 . 20.99 . 225.40 . 10.737 . . 1.05 . . . . 22.07 . . . -0.03 07/18/04 . 19.97 . 230.80 . 11.555 . .-1.02 . . . . 22.01 . . . -0.06 07/26/04 . 20.34 . 243.20 . 11.955 . . 0.37 . . . . 21.96 . . . -0.05 [/font:6c2cf80c51] I Want My Prius!! :flame:
I got back from my trip to Prescott Az, which is 370 miles from my driveway to my friend's driveway in Az. Here are my mileage results: Trip there and driving around there: Miles: 391 Gallons: 9.372 MPG's shown: 41.7 MPG's Calc. 41.72 (Pretty Close) Price to Fill Tank: $15.83 Average Speed: 75mph-85mph Average Outside Temp: 98°F Trip Back: Miles 373 Gallons: 6.940 MPG's shown: 46.9 MPG's Calc. 53.7 Price to Fill Tank: $15.12 Average Speed: 80mph-85mph Average Outside Temp: 99°F Whole Trip Averages: Total Miles: 767 Total Gallons: 16.312 Average MPG's: 47.0 The trip back was pretty good. The MPG's showed around 55 but when we got around Palm Springs, traffic picked up and it dropped to 46. -Brian
here are details of my first trip temperature from 82 to 100 F (AC mostly on), I'm very conservative so refill when I see two bars on the screen Tank 1 Tank miles: 438 Avg Tank Mileage: 45.1 Tank 2 Tank miles: 424 Overall Miles: 870 Avg Tank Mileage: 45.3 Avg Overall Mileage: 45.2 tank 3 Tank miles: 486 Overall Miles: 1356 Avg Tank Mileage: 50.2 Avg Overall Mileage: 46.9 tank 4 Tank miles: 491 Overall Miles: 1847 Avg Tank Mileage: 53.1 Avg Overall Mileage: 48.4 tank 5 Tank miles: 500 Overall Miles: 2347 Avg Tank Mileage: 51.6 Avg Overall Mileage: 49.1 tank 6 Tank miles: 396 Overall Miles: 2743 Avg Tank Mileage: 41.5 Avg Overall Mileage: 47.8 tank 7 Tank miles: 409 Overall Miles: 3152 Avg Tank Mileage: 40.3 Avg Overall Mileage: 46.7 Tank 6 and 7 after a long motor road trip with max speed at about 87-94 mph
Tank 1 7/2-7/16 475 Miles 54.6 MPG Calculated 58.5 MPG Displayed Tank 2 7/16-7/30 514 Miles 57.1 MPG Calculated 57.3 MPG Displayed July Average 55.9 MPG Calculated July Average 57.9 MPG Displayed Lifetime Average 53.1 MPG Calculated Lifetime Average 54.7 MPG Displayed It seems my tank expanded a little more. It's apprently done this a couple of times, resulting in it taking more fuel than expected. I usually fill by the same method at the same pump at the same station and it's pretty repeatable, so these bumps are noticeable. I'm hoping it will keep going, and I won't lose it all back over the winter When I first got the car, I was lucky to get 7 Gallons in on a fill, and now it's up to around 9.
I didn't realize untill now, just how much the motorcycle has effected the overall use of the Prius. I only put three tanks of gas in it this month. Miles travelled: 1651.7 Gallons of fuel used: 34.1 MPG calculated for month: 48.4 MPG according to the car: 52.2 Temperatures - mid to upper 90's, low 100's, with heavy A/C usage.
Tank miles: 382 Overall Miles: 5026 Tank Mileage: 40.2 Avg Overall Mileage: 47.8 Displayed milage: 44.3 The displayed milage went up from my kayak trips, but the calculated not so much. I just rel;ized I haven't checked my tire pressure laltely. Will definitely do that. Brian
Closed out July with a trip to Charlotte. Final average 50.2MPG on the Wal-Mart gas. Picked up some great Citgo just off I-77 on Route 21 for $1.719. 57.2MPG over the 84 mile trip home...