all. My first post. Nice website. Just bought myself a 2002 Prius in Florida. Drove it back to NY. What a trip! Car was fine all the way. One issue though is, on occasion, the red BRAKE warning light comes on on the dash. Lasts for about 10 seconds, then goes away. Happens most often when I start moving from a complete stop. Whether the car is warmed up or cold, still happens. But it does not happen everytime I accelerate from a stop, maybe once every ten times. No other warning lights come up. I checked the brake fluid level, and it looks ok. Anybody experience this before? Otherwise, love my anti-gas guzzler! John
Yep. The brake fluid level is fine. Just a hair below the maximum fill line and way above the minimum line. I read the manual, and it says if the light comes on and then goes off, to just ignore it. It says that it will do this during the first minute of driving and after using the brake a lot, but I notice it lasts for a little longer than the first sixty seconds of driving, and it even happens when I'm out driving on the highway and haven't used my brakes at all for several minutes. I always use my parking brake when I park, even on a flat parking lot. Should I stop using the parking brake so much? Any advice is appreciated!
Hi Kristin, I suggest that you take your car to a Toyota dealer to have the brake system checked out, since this is a safety issue. It is a good habit for you to use the parking brake whenever you park. The only time that I do not use the parking brake is when I visit snow country and am concerned that the mechanism might freeze up. Then I rely just on Park.
I know this is an old thread but this started happening to me about a week ago on my 2002 prius. Usually happens anywhere from 2 to 7 minutes after starting the car when I'm accelerating, goes on for 10-15 secs or less then turns off. Breaks seem to be acting normally and it doesn't always happen. No other warning lights are on. Anyone fix this problem or find out why it happens? I'm not very mechanically minded so gonna go to get my brakes checked at the my local mechanic soon to see if they are okay, just wondering if anyone has solved this issue.
Okay well, I found out why the break light was coming on if anyone else ever reads this. I took it to a mechanic and they said the break fluid on the left side was a little low and it was corrupt, meaning the PH balance was off of what it should be which can be caused by heat and usage. I had them do a break fluid flush and replace since I think this is the first time in the 16 years of the car that had been done (had the car for 3 years, nothing showed in the car fax). Since I did this the light has not come on (been 3 months) so I'm guessing its fixed. If anyone else has this happen and there seems to be enough break fluid, check its PH balance, it might be corrupt and need changing.
Yeah holy thread resurrection, lol. Sixteen years with the same brake fluid, yes waaay overdue. Suprising Toyota USA says nothing on the subject. Toyota Canada recommends tri-yearly or 48K kms now. Honda Canada has recommended tri-yearly, regardless of mileage, as far back as I can remember. One thing: brake fluid is hygroscopic, which basically means it attracts water. And water can promote rust in the brake lines. By now the damage is likely done. Hopefully any loose rust flushed out with the change.
To be Honest Mendel, I'm not sure if the break fluid hasn't been changed in 16 years, its just not on the car fax so I don't know. Still no break light coming on so I'm pretty sure its fixed (and no breaking problems). My mechanic said that many places say change break fluid every 30,000 miles. But I've read from most other sources thats bull and it can go much longer then that.