This just happened tonight. I saw it coming in the rearview mirror. I’m the Marshmallow is the Blizzard Pearl Prius, the grey Prius hit me first then a semi truck hit me. Both car seats were in the back at the time. The one on the right was occupied by my 5 year old front facing and the one on the left was unoccupied but rear faces for my 1 year old, I adjusted the rear facing one to show the difference in the two because the right one is visibly damaged. I will be replacing both car seats. Edit to add: The grey Prius didn’t slow down and clipped the back left corner of my car, tearing up the passenger side of her car. Then an 18 wheeler hit me in the back because he didn’t have enough time to slow down. iPhone ?
There seems to be a huge amount of that happening here lately, of semi-trucks being unable to avoid piling into prior crashes ahead of them.
This poor guy saw the other Prius hit me and knew he wouldn’t be able to stop in time and he was going to hit me too. The worst part of it all is there was road construction ahead and we all 3 drove by the signs saying “Be prepared to stop”, “Right lane closed ahead” and the speed limit going down to 45 MPH. So those folks just didn’t heed the warning signs. iPhone ?
Everyone walked away without a scratch. I’m feeling a little sore this morning but my 5 year old reported no pain or soreness. iPhone ?
Glad you fared so well and Marshmellow died keeping you alive. I had an accident years ago and the at-fault party's car insurance paid for replacement car seats. Consider it, or at least keep the bill, to submit later. Also consider having your 5 year old checked out, even though he reports no pain. For legal reasons you want to be covered. In Florida you have a limited amount of time to get checked out before it's too late to make a claim. He might show symptoms in a week and you don't want to be legally high and dry. Finally, may I suggest the Diono Radian RXT car seats. Between our three kids and two cars we have four of them and they are awesome - heavy steel frames, comfortable and safe.
Yes, I have done three across with them. At the moment my 2015 Personna has one forward facing, one center rear facing, then a Radian high-back booster too. It's tight but the kids can mostly buckle themselves in.
We were doing 3 in a row. I've read later that it's cheating, to double up on the LATCH strong points using the centre child seat, but what can you do.
We've done 3 across too, required doubling up on the LATCH strong points, which I later read is a no-no. Oh well. Apologies to OP, getting off-topic.
We use the middle seatbelt for the rear-facing middle seat and LATCH for the outside ones. I read about LATCH-splitting being a no-no too. The Diono's have a latch anchor that is very chunky with an integrated release button. I'm not sure you could fit two on a single anchor - depends on the anchor width I suppose.
Replacement? Primes are cheap in your part of the world...... I'm very glad that you and yours seem to be OK! THAT is the important part. The rest is just paperwork.
Semi on-topic: your insurance may spring for replacement child seats, due to their being in a collision.
Are they really? I saw one driving down the road beside me last week, looked pretty neat. I haven’t decided on a replacement yet, I do kind of want another Prius because the thing held up after getting rear ended twice, one impact from a semi truck but I kind of want something bigger too. iPhone ?
I’m BIG on car seat safety. We have (or is it had now?) 4 Chicco Nextfit seats between both vehicles. That’s what my son was in during this accident. We just got back from the doctor and he is perfectly fine, I have some bruising and muscle pain but nothing major at the moment. I have already mentioned the car seats need to be replaced per the manufacturer’s guidelines and will insist on the reimbursement for 2 brand new Chicco Nextfit seats. Because that was what was in the car that is what I’m going to go with to avoid any insurance issues. iPhone ?