Based on the review, I'd assume it's not gonna work and you'd be better off just saving your money by cancelling your order now. lol
Don't know about glare but it's good for creating a big blank in the middle of your post. Anyone else?
Looks like they deleted the link from their message, but the link is still stored in the replies from SaraBBrown94 and priuscatprimeguy so you should be able to access it that way. In the features and details the ad claims it is "Award winning" but fails to mention what award it supposedly won. One of the first warning signs of a scam.
I had all my widows tinted with a 20% tint, except for the windshield of course, which in Utah, the passenger and drivers windows are a little to dark as far as our law enforcement goes. But I’m still getting glare on the screen during the morning and evening sun.
All. I decided not to by the Anti-glare that was being sold on Amazon. Until you guys had pointed it out the 1 star review, I was going to buy it. I'm still trying to figure out what to do though. I really don't want to spend money tinting windows for this and was hoping maybe someone tried some sort of Anti-glare screen cover that worked for them.
I bought a small microfiber cloth, and put a plastic clip on it (like used to close potato chip bag). This I fold and keep in the glove box. When I get bad screen glare, like when the sun first comes up or late in the afternoon, I pull out the cloth and put the clip above the screen, with the cloth draping over the screen. This works for me.
They have anti-glare computer screen covers.(they're like hard stiffer tinted looking plastic sheets) Perhaps if you can find one that's big enough, take a razor and cut it down in size, and double sided tape the top and bottom to the center screen.
Something like this? Seems to be a separately framed film you place over the screen. Anti-Glare Products | 3M United Kingdom
I sent a message to the BoxWave people (the links to the Amazon page are in posts 21 & 22 above) asking them what award it won. I did receive an answer from them, "BoxWave's ClearTouches won the award as the Top pick by Handheld Computing Magazine." For whatever that is worth. However that was the clear version not the antiglare version. I looked on the Handheld Computing Magazine site, which is a somewhat bizarre website, actually it seems to be an amalgamation of several similar "magazine" websites. I didn't seen any mention of any awards, but I did find an undated review from someone who seems to be a professional reviewer, they gave both the clear and antiglare versions high marks. For whatever that is worth.
I searched on the internet for a Navigation screen protector and it is 11.6" long. It will help with the glare and stops having fingerprints being a problem. The price is approximately $12 and it has two sheets in case you mess up the first one. Good luck!
This screen sheet is clear so there aren't any pictures. I had this screen protector installed two days ago but I have not driven the Prius since then. I don't think it will take all the glare away, but I hoped it would help. I also had my windows tinted.