I bought a set few years ago when it was first available and they had issues where water going inside on the sides. I read that those issues were solved and decided to order them again thinking there would be no issues. Got them about 2 weeks ago and they still have the same issue. Was the issue ever fixed? So Annoying to see water spots on the sides of a brand new set.
Well I live where it rains often but still shouldn’t leak into anywhere inside housing. Doesn’t look good.
Atlanta is in the top 10 for most rainfall per year, so I get ya. I guess I got lucky. I bought during the first run and never had an issue.
Well I messaged the person I went through and emailed the retailer. They told me it’s normal and goes away in a couple days. Been like 2 weeks and still there on both tail lights. Hope they replace them with ones that don’t have that issue or I’ll feel like I wasted money.