I’m very surprised that the Prius prime does not have an option for a painted roof… The Scion line has it, but not the Prius. Anyway I did mine initially in vinyl but I didn’t like the results so I had it professionally painted this week… Here’s the results.
Looks beautiful. I'm going to get mine painted after the black gloss vinyl wrap on my roof needs replaced. Black roofs definitely look better.
Prices will vary wildly on estimates, but I ended up paying a bit more for a quality shop. They removed windshield, and antenna through the inside headliner. Plus I requested acrylic enamel Black that matched the shiny black plastic trim pieces, then 2 coats of clear coat. $723 total. The results are fantastic.
Before I bought the prime, I had a Tesla that was ceramic coated… It’s really cool, has the durability of a dinner plate. I won’t be doing this for the prime though I’m happy how it turned out.
It was between the blue and the hypersonic red. Fortunately or unfortunately I happen to of seen the red and bright sunlight and it looked orange… Then my decision was made.
After 3 years, I finally saw a black Gen4 Prius. Aparenrly, not very popular around hot SoCal. Maybe they can paint the roof white? Might as well paint the doors white, too.... make it look like a Police car.