1. Attachments are working again! Check out this thread for more details and to report any other bugs.

Problems with Navigation and with USB audio

Discussion in 'Prime Audio, Electronics, and Infotainment' started by srothkin, Oct 7, 2018.

  1. srothkin

    srothkin Junior Member

    Sep 9, 2008
    Ossining, NY, USA
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    I'm posting this here in the hopes that it will make its way to someone in Toyota that is high enough up to actually get the software developers to fix the bugs in the audio and navigation in my 2017 Prius Prime. I spent over 6 months in 2017 working with U.S. customer service, a Toyota field tech, and the dealer's service departments to demonstrate the problems and get them recorded and reported to the programmers so they could work on a fix. Now its 16 months later and the bugs still aren't fixed and the best customer service will do is tell me to go back to the dealer and demonstrate the problems again. Nobody at customer service will work to push the prioritization of fixing the BUGS and shortcomings. Frankly, this reflects badly on Toyota's vaunted quality reputation and THIS IS NOT THE WAY TO TREAT CUSTOMERS.

    The navigation bugs and shortcomings are especially grating because I was forced to pay for the navigation system in order to get the one advanced safety feature (rear cross traffic alert) that pushed me to trade in my 2008 Prius instead of continuing to drive it for a few more years. And its a real shame because the heads-up display from the navigation is a really great if only I could rely on it in NY traffic instead of running Waze on my phone which is what I'm doing now because of the vast improvement over the JBL/Toyota crap.

    Case # 1706021000? USB shuffle (things seem to happen often in first 10-15 minutes after turning car on). Demonstrated to service tech at Westchester Toyota in June 2017 and he reported the bug to Toyota corporate.
    • Sometimes delays (several seconds) between songs
    • Sometimes stops playing at the end of each song
    • Sometimes automatically turns off shuffle and starts playing songs alphabetically
    • Sometimes when I first turn the car on and its near the end of a song, it replays that song and if I then press track next it tells me the it can't do it because the music list is still initializing
    Incident: 170915-000203 Navigation not obeying avoid areas set on
    • GW Bridge
    • I-95 going from Bronx towards GW bridge
    This is a bug in the navigation that was also there in my 2008 Prius. This needs to be forwarded to JBL and I expect a software update from them to fix it.

    Incident: 170915-000205: Navigation with traffic quickest route sometimes picking one much slower. Sept 13 I ran it in parallel with Google maps for rush hour trip to long island. Cars initial estimate was 20 minutes longer than Google. 3 times during the trip Google and the car disagreed about which turn I should take. Each time I followed Google, the car reduced it's ETA so that by the third time it matched Google ETA. Ultimately, Google's initial ETA was spot on for the 90 minutes trip. The algorithms in the Toyota/JBL navigation when choosing "quickest" route sometimes picks routes that are actually not even close to the quickest. On an earlier issue I actually sent in screen shots where it estimated LONGER time for the route it labeled as "quickest" than it did for the route it labeled as "alternative." So the software actually knows which is the quickest route BUT it isn't actually using that for quickest. The problem seems to be the worst during rush hour on longer trips. And in this case it was all major highways in the Bronx. If I followed the Toyota navigation's "quickest" route it would have taken me 20 minutes longer than it actually took me (because I instead followed Google's quickest route). That's a big problem with built-in navigation on a premium vehicle and you need to fix it. In this day and age with Google maps available as an alternative, there's no excuse for the built-in navigation being this poor.
    On another occasion, also in the Bronx, it told me to turn the wrong way onto a one way street.

    Navigation - quick route sometimes shows the LONGEST estimated time. [Incident: 170627-000062, case # 1707030042 ] photo attached to incident. You can see this by pressing the 3 routes button and seeing that the alternate route (bottom of the 3) actually shows a shorter time than the shortest route shows!

    Navigation - problems with bad route on June 28, 2017 [Incident: 170628-000324, National # 1707030042]: Today the navigation took me on a local detour through the Bronx to avoid [link removed] told me to drive down a street past where it ended (I think it was 141st St.). The detour ended up adding an extra 20 minutes to my trip beyond the estimate at the start of the detour. The car is barely a month old. THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE. Between the bad map database and the lack of feedback on alternate routes, the JBL built-in navigation is CRAP and reflects poorly on the Toyota name. Google maps navigation is FAR SUPERIOR. And the JBL voice recognition is HORRIBLE. Please escalate to executive level. I want a resolution - either drastically improve the JBL navigation for me or give me Google Maps navigation (it could come via bluetooth from my Android phone) on the built-in display and HUD, replacing the JBL crap.

    Additional notes not covered in above cases

    June 20, 2018: Since I wasn't in a rush to get home I followed the car nav directions (which were 15 minutes shorter than Waze despite knowing that the vast majority of the time Waze's estimates are much more accurate). Car nav underestimated route by 25 minutes and took 10 minutes longer than Waze estimate. Left Melville, NY at 4:08pm. Car estimated arrival in Ossining, NY at 5:30pm (vs. Waze estimate of 5:45). Actually arrived at 5:55pm. Most of the delay was a 3 mile backup for a stopped car on Hutchinson river parkway (one of the route segments the car picked that was different than Waze). The rest of the delay was a long line of cars waiting to make the left turn off the exit the car chose (vs. a later exit that Waze chose). Incidentally, while in the 3 mile backup, Waze accurately told me the number of minutes I would sit in traffic and it also told me about the stopped car (though only half a mile before I reached it). Also interestingly, on the Sprain parkway the car told me about an accident .3 miles ahead that wasn't even there.

    In some places where a turn is required to stay on the same road, the navigation doesn't speak or show the upcoming turn. Sometimes you can tell by looking at the overall route on the map, but other times you only find out when you overshoot the turn and get re-routed. Have observed this on Crow Hill rd in Yorktown/Mt Kisco and on angle turns like Ossining South route 134 to route 133 to route 9A. This could be a major problem in areas that the driver isn't familiar with.

    Improvements desired through software updates

    USB audio - would like much more than 9,999 songs - at least 50,000 (my mp3 library is already close to 40,000 songs)

    When I was shopping for the car a salesman at Curry Toyota told me that I would get map updates for free via satellite. I never got such update for the new Tappan Zee bridge (now called the Mario Cuomo Bridge). When I asked Curry Toyota about it they told me that I have to pay for each map update. Given how regularly Google updates maps and software FOR FREE, I expect the same for the maps/software built into my vehicle.
    Toyo_Tom likes this.
  2. srothkin

    srothkin Junior Member

    Sep 9, 2008
    Ossining, NY, USA
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    Usually after I first turn the car on, when the currently playing song finishes (if it doesn't replay it because it was near the end) it will then play the next song in alphabetical order (with a few seconds delay before starting). After that it will resume random shuffle (if the random shuffle indicator wasn't turned off) but for the 1st 15 minutes or so will stop at the end of each song. It won't automatically start playing another song until I press the right arrow on the steering wheel to move to the next song or until a few minutes of silence has passed.
    Toyo_Tom likes this.
  3. ems2158

    ems2158 Active Member

    Dec 30, 2012
    Bucks County, PA
    2017 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    Abandon hope, all ye who enter here.
    Toyo_Tom and bisco like this.
  4. bb4srv

    bb4srv Active Member

    Mar 5, 2018
    2018 Prius Prime
    Prime 11" infotainment is the most useless pos that i've encountered. Whoever approved this system at Toyota should be fired.

    Toyo_Tom and ems2158 like this.
  5. bisco

    bisco cookie crumbler

    May 11, 2005
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    no one from toyota reads prius chat. if you absolutely can't stand it, replace the head unit

    no offense, but it is almost as if you don't know when a car salesperson is lying.:p

    in all seriousness, i see you have been a member since 2008. search 'entune' for the answers to all your questions.
    but unfortunately, the answers are always 'no'.
    #5 bisco, Oct 9, 2018
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2018
  6. bb4srv

    bb4srv Active Member

    Mar 5, 2018
    2018 Prius Prime
    Unfortunately, the 11" is integrated with all the heating controls and vehicle management. Therefore, can't change and captive.
  7. bisco

    bisco cookie crumbler

    May 11, 2005
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    unfortunate. maybe one of our software engineers can break in and reconfigure it
  8. bb4srv

    bb4srv Active Member

    Mar 5, 2018
    2018 Prius Prime
    If someone able to reliably hack the 11" pos software, then take my money immediately.

    Even just the ability to use Carplay is all I'm looking for.
    illumiN8i, ems2158 and bisco like this.
  9. Abdul Aziz

    Abdul Aziz New Member

    Jun 22, 2020
    2017 Prius Prime
    i can not use my navigation as i bough its all japniess every where i struggle to convert it to english but there is nathing in navigation can any one help me with that
  10. Toyo_Tom

    Toyo_Tom Junior Member

    Oct 12, 2019
    2020 Prius Prime
    Please update this thread if you ever get an answer from anyone at Toyota, particularly with this issue:

    USB music is a pet peeve of mine with this system as well. Problems only seem to creep in as you put larger numbers of files on the USB drive, hence likely the reason that they have capped the system at 9,999 files. You really have to keep the numbers much lower, somewhere on the order of 3,500 or so, to keep glitches from creeping in. As it stands, in order to put more than that on and get the unit to properly index everything, I have to add the files in chunks of a couple thousand at a time, taking the drive back and forth and letting the unit update each time. Sometimes even that doesn't work. Putting too many files on at a time means that the indexing process will never finish; not even a two-hour nonstop round-trip drive gave it enough time to get through.

    Of course, you will probably only have a chance to get a response if you take it directly to the right people at Toyota, and even then it is not a sure thing. I imagine that the attitude is that the radio isn't really an "essential" part of the car, and it "mostly" works, so the priority to fix something like this likely not really high. My feeling, however, is that the glitches in the system are so glaring that there is no excuse for letting them make it through to production. Either they didn't properly test the full range of usage, or they didn't care. Neither option speaks very highly of them.

    I wish you the best of luck in your quest for answers. I fear that it will not be nearly enough.