Did a little experimenting with a Gen 2 module that had maxed out at ~3000mah capacity even after 5 discharge/charge cycles. It was interesting to see that the chart shows how one bad cell affects the module. Everything was looking great just before the 18 minute mark. Current draw was 6.5 amps and terminal voltage was 7.3, hadn't even reached the 7.2 volt plateau when BANG, the first cell failed. It then went 32 more minutes at 6.5 amps before the next one failed. Then they fell like dominos.
At 7.86 resting voltage you didn't even start out at full charge, pretty healthy module besides the one cell crapping out after 1.95ah. In my experience there is absolutely no recovery (unless you start drilling holes and adding liquids).
I think that was an experiment performed by Bill, some years ago? He did recover some lost capacity, but problem was how to seal the drilled holes. Dxta
I think that was an experiment performed by Bill, some years ago? He did recover some lost capacity, but problem was how to seal the drilled holes. Dxta