ok i have a real dilemma. i love the prius (i've driven it a couple of times), and it's great value for the money. however, i'm afraid that i would regret it if i bought it. i'm used to driving german luxury cars (i currently own an audi a6) and i was thinking about getting a bmw 530 until i saw the prius. did anyone else here make a similar leap and do you regret the decision? i feel like i'm at a crossroads (light = prius, darkside = bmw). haha....
I had to make a similar choice, though I wasn't dealing with 5's, more like 3's or C-Classes. In my mind, the Prius is absolutely the right buy. In terms of reliability, Toyota is the best in the business, so you're not trading that off. You get some good options like the nav and the 6-disc if you want, plus the on-the-wheel controls. No leather, sadly, but you can get that done aftermarket if you'd really like, and it'd still be cheaper. You also have some features that I would definately call luxury-ish in the form of the push-button ignition, something you see in cars like Aston Martins...Smart Entry/Smart Start, which is partially featured in the LS430...the very unique shifting system, which one could maybe compare to that fancy system on the 7-series, and in my mind has some great cool factor, hehe. Throw in the optional airbags, and you're matched with a 5 for safety too. Really, if this had the Lexus logo on it, it would have no problems assuming the luxury role. The technology in it is absolutely at a luxury level. I say Prius, and invest the money you save
I was in a similar position: I was driving a 325 and while I was waiting for my 2004 Prius ( I waited 8 months !) I kept looking at the opportunity cost of my Prius and found that I could buy a used 540 for about the same price. What really helped me was renting a Prius for 3 days to really experience the car in the real world. I've had my Prius since May 1st, I've put ~4500 miles on it and I'm very pleased and have no regrets. I get 45-50 mpg with the AC running and driving 70-80 mph on the LA freeways. That said, it's no BMW. Not in handling, styling, or ergonomics. The seats are not as comfortable, the interior not as plush, and the performance ? Well, let me put it this way, if you like the M Series BMW's don't buy this car. But, if you've outgrown you need for speed and luxury and feel a need to conserve fuel, reduce emissions, and you like techno gadgets; then this is the car for you. J. Rawles, M.D. Long Beach, CA.
Ah yes, I didn't discuss handling and such. Well, I'm no fan of amazing performance...at least so far as paying extra is concerned, anyway. I wouldn't know what horsepower or torque means. I figure that's all illegal to use to full potential anyway, hehe. Of course for someone who does care about this, it's a big choice to be made. I think you need to consider if you really, really want that performance for the extra it's gonna cost you. It definatly carries a cool factor in itself, but so does the Prius...just a different kind of cool factor.
If that's really how you feel, then you clearly want the Prius. It's clean, it's cool, it's comfortable and fun to drive, its performance is everything you need. Unless you're really disappointed with the performance, I'd say get the Prius. (But of course you're going to hear that on Prius Chat. The Folks on BMW Chat are going to tell you otherwise.) I'll just say that I would not trade my Prius for a BMW. *pulls on the EV switch and glides silently away*
pshady: the fact that you are here must tell you what you already know. you want the Prius and you need someone to tell you you are making the right decision because that is where you are leaning and you need reassurances. because if you came here thinking you would get someone to recommend a german made (or any car for that matter) over the Prius, you are either very nieve or crazy. i will tell you, ive never owned a luxury car of any type. although when in the air force in germany i had a chance to drive mercedes and i like them, but the car i had was old and had been previously owned by about a dozen or more GI's. but i have ridden in other supposedly upscale cars, and as far as im concerned, those cars may be twice the money (usually more) but nothing comes close to the feeling i have when driving my Prius. a mercedes is just a car. My Prius is a Prius, and never will the two be the same.
I drove a Mercedes once...wasn't impressed (at least not enough to want one). I've been along for the ride in a BMW M3....yummy!! But alas, it's not techie enough (still love it, tho), MPG sucks bigtime, and I can't afford one anyway. Even if I could get one, I would still get a Prius instead. After all, how often (and in how many places) can you really open up a performance car's full potential? If the cops don't get you first, you'll kill somebody when you end up plowing into them due to the fact that traffic is too heavy and slow in most places to be able to go for the kind of joy ride that performance cars are meant for. Mega-HP is wasted these days. There's a different kind of thrill to be had when driving the Prius. More people in the world need to learn that it's not always all about mega-hp. Plus, the Prius gives you all sorts of high-end luxuries at an extremely affordable price, so why pay $50k+ when you can get the same thing for $26k? It's better on the Prius Side. Go for it. We promise that you'll love it.
Tough decision. The BMW 5 series is one of the finest cars on the road. Also, did you receive the latest Audi magazine featuring the new Audi A6? Now there's another fine machine. I switched from an Audi A4 to the Prius. The Prius makes a statement, but then again so does the BMW 5 series (totally different statement). The car you drive says a lot about who you are in the eyes of others. I suspect your final decision will be based on that. Now, that said, my Prius does not generate the excitement on the mountain twisties that my turbocharged Audi Quattro generated. But then again, how much time is spent on the mountain twisties? For normal road travel the Prius is a solid, quiet , reliable, and thoroughly enjoyable car. It's also a lot of fun (a technology entheusiast's dream) with all that state-of-the-art technology that's been so masterfully designed in. One thing I've truly appreciated is the lift-back feature. Heck, since I've had the car I've delivered my own HDTV from the store on one occasion and brought my new Patio set home in this car in another. With the Audi I'd have had to, in each case, pay a rather hefty delivery fee. With Audi and BMW the dealerships give you a car to drive when you bring your car in for service or repair. The only thing that Toyota provides is a ride to where you're going. On the other hand, the Prius is so reliable that the need for those special service related features are pretty much non-existant. Hey, if you're a proponent of the environment, if you're a technology entheusiast, or you're interested in reducing our dependance on forign oil .. or .. If the people you'd like to impress in your everyday dealings are not strongly to the political right, I'd go for the Prius. Otherwise, the delimma should be whether you should purchase the BMW 5 or the new Audi A6, both very much sports oriented sedans (I'd probably go for the all new A6).
Your compair totaly different group of car. Prius is great ECO car and great commute car. Prius is not like BMW which not able to drive hard and enjoy the driving experiance. Dont get me wrong Prius is great car and I really enjoy my Prius. You have to think what is your priority is fun to drive or save some gas. I uses to drive German cars when I living in U.S but now I relocated in Japan. I love to drive hard and enjoy it, but my priority is changed. Because in Japan gas price is about 3 bucks a gallon. Also for Japanese Prius able to order with trouing pkg wich like say sports pkg for Audi or BMW in U.S. Thats why I choose Prius this time. Again If you want driving oriented = BMW for you but Gas Saver = Prius for you.
When I first got my Honda Civic (late 1988 - model year '89) the Honda dealer gave me a loaner any time I had the car in for service or maintenance, for about the first ten years or so. Then it stopped. He said it was insurance reasons. I think it was because too much time had passed since I had bought the car. The Toyota dealer offers nothing more than a courtesy ride, but there's often a long wait, and depending on where the other folks are going, a long and indirect ride. I'd rather pay for a cab.
When I bought my 2001 Prius, the Toyota salesguy told me to get a Lexus. Obviously I didn't listen. It all really comes down to personal preference... and now I'm on my second Prius, a 2004. Or you can just wait a bit and get a Lexus hybrid.
Not quite the same car, but I did trade a 1999 Contour SVT (200hp version) for my 2002 Prius back in 2001. While I do miss the power and handling of the car at times, I certainly don't miss feeding it Premium while it only gets 17-18mpg at best. I also don't miss the fact that it was at the upper limit of the allowable emissions standard of the time. The 2004 Prius has provided me with more of a compromise due to increased power w/o increased fuel consumption, and more ammenities than even my Contour had (save leather and sunroof, the former I wouldn't want). We may all drool over a 5 series or an M3 at times, but for most of us, reality sets in and says, "Hey, the Prius really does serve our 'needs', and it's way more socially responsible to drive to boot!"
If you're in no hurry, and you can get your hands on one, buy the Prius. I think your heart is in the right place on the issue. If you find it's not the luxury you desire you can sell it, potentially at a profit and still get the 5-series. I've been in the new 5 series with the speed sensitive steering....Dang is that a sweet feature. The car can really move, is very comfortable, sweet feature package (though they don't have SS/SE) It does have BT telephone, GPS NAV, etc. Down side, watching the fuel mileage on the computer...yikes.
your thoughts thanks for all of your input. yes, as you've figured i'm leaning heavily toward the prius. i'm a techno gadget freak, and the "responsible" part of me loves the idea of a reliable, practical, fuel-efficient car. the "teenager" part of me wants to bmw.... i'm sold on the prius! now if i can only find one to buy without paying through the nose....
True, you can almost certainly go to a BMW dealer and buy a 5-series car today. You can't go to a Toyota dealer and do likeswise with a Prius.
I'm glad you're sold! Most dealers arn't charging over MSRP, are they? Or are you interested in getting one now? :mrgreen:
Back in the late 70's I had an Audi 100LS (bought used) and a Fox (bought new). Both had oil consumption and CV joint problems as they got to 60K miles. After we had my wife's 1980 Corona for a year and a half I compared the maintenance file with the first year and a half on the Fox. It was no comparison. So when the CV joints went out the Fox's last trip was to the Toyota dealer for a trade and I never looked back. The 04 Prius is Toyota #6. Let the Huns have their cars.
i agree. only major repair bill for any toyota i owned was an engine replacement caused when my then girlfriend hit a curb ripping a gash in the oil pan of my 83 corolla. she then promptly ran it dry and got it slightly hot. well to make a long story short. it lasted another 6 months and then i put a new motor in it. the old motor had 165,000 on it. i put 20,000 on the new motor and sold it and bought another corolla.