Lane Centering, as offered on the new Corolla hatchback, is what I really wanted when I bought my Prius Prime. It seems as if the Prime should have all the necessary hardware. Is there any chance that we would be able to upgrade to this functionality at some point?
With about $1000 of extra hardware, you can get pretty good lane centering using openpilot. It's a pretty involved hack. Google: prius openpilot I'm too new and can't post links yet.
Getting lane centering like the Corolla isn't probably gonna happen. You can always get aftermarket hardware to make the car have that functionality but it won't be endorsed by Toyota or anyone. It'll also cost you about $850 and a good bit of technical knowledge to setup. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
I can deal with spending $850 or something, as long as safety is not reduced. By that I mean that the safety stop system that stops the car if it's about to hit something (including pedestrians) should keep working, which I assume it does in the Corolla hatchback.
Check this thread out then. It pretty much just is an advanced lane centering/acceleration+deceleration controller. It also runs as a dash cam that uploads all of your dash cam videos(unlimited space) to your Google account if you need them. Nice for insurance. I think the only thing that doesn't work with it is auto-highbeams. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Thanks I did check that out, but was thinking that stock Toyota stuff would be likely to be more reliable. One thing that could be an issue is that (I think) the stock Toyota pre-collision system piggybacks off the same camera and radar as the cruise control and lane keeping assist, but uses a different computer and programming (for redundancy presumably). If you route all the sensors through that android device instead, it would seem that you're also disabling the pre-collision because it wouldn't have any sensor data. But I'm not entirely certain if that's true.
I've tested(not intentionally)and the precollision system still works. You know how the screens light up red and say "Brake!"? All that heart attack inducing stuff is still there with the addition of one small Android screen that also yells and beeps at you telling you to "brake!". Once again, I wouldn't recommend this unless you're semi tech savvy and good at reading directions before just doing things. Lol Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Very interesting. Did you have your DSU unplugged, or was it plugged in and you were just using the Android system for steering?
I leave my DSU plugged in. It makes it easier switching back and forth between stock + dash cam and the phone controller. To switch you just flip 3 switches behind the rear view mirror. Nice and easy Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Is that guaranteed to work properly though? I was researching it and that OpenPilot setup seems to disable the Single Lens Camera. I thought that the Single Lens Camera plus the Millimeter RADAR worked together for the Pre-Collision system So if the Single Lens Camera is no longer providing input it seems like the Pre-Collision system could operate erratically or fail at the wrong moment.
The stock camera is still plugged in to the car indirectly. It just plugs into the giraffe and then into the car. The aftermarket system (eon and panda) also plug into the giraffe. So it's kinda like a "Y" in terms of switching hardware. Flip the 3 switches off and it's using the aftermarket camera hardware. Switch 3 switches on and it's using completely stock hardware with a dash cam. The aftermarket camera also uses the stock radar. It's just the camera's ability to see and the steering wheel's ability to keep you in the lane that changes. The dynamic range cruise control (radar) stays the same when the DSU is plugged in. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.