One thing that's occurred to me is that there's a lot of scattered information about the Prius. John1701a's site, which is an amazing resource, collects a lot of information, but without interlinking between pages or documents. If anyone's ever seen Wikipedia or similar Wiki-based sites, you'll have some idea of what I'm thinking about: an open, collaborative, heavily inter-linked body of information about the Prius and hybrids in general. Is there any interest in such a creature? Because if so, I would be interested in setting one up...
That was the idea behind the Knowledge Base originally. If a wikipedia would help make it easier for our members & the public, then I'd be willing to buy a url & host it or add it as a part of Let me know
Well, hosting would not be a problem. I run a small ISP as a side-business If it became very popular, then bandwidth might eventually require a hosting move, but for now, hosting really isn't an issue. In fact, I have to admit I already have a skeleton set up. On the flipside, I don't insist on hosting it on my own systems, either. I just can :-D Either way, the real point is, if people are interested in helping to make the content happen, I'm interseted in both helping with the content and running the thing.
I'm definately interested in this, and would be more than happy to contribute in as many ways as I can. I definatly like John's site as well, but you're right that the more interlinking format would be helpful for all Prius owners. I could contribute in the form of articles as well as doing the interlinking, proofreading/moderating, and so forth.
I agree, a Wiki is an excellent way to organize large amounts of information without requiring a big time commitment from any one person. If a site has a large number of active users it can quickly evolve into a comprehensive and intuitive reference, seemingly all on its own. Seems like a good fit.
I think another worthwhile idea is a good collection of Prius-related links. I like GreenHybrid's links to the variety of different related sites, but on all of the Prius sites I've visited, there isn't any good collection of links to other Prius sites. Maybe I've just missed them, though, hehe.
Sounds like a good idea to me, though I have only a sketchy idea of what it would be. But more information is always good.
I have posted the vast majority of stories, reviews, tests, and Prius websites on my page. If there is anything missing, let me know. Jeff
I think this would be a great idea. I would even post the link on my prius as another decal. It would be a place where prius owners and other people who know nothing about the car can go. It would be an all-in-one package for prius info. That is hard to find. One one webpage would be awesome.
That's a really great collection of links there, jkash. With the wiki format, each page could also have a related links site that could feature posts on the yahoo groups, posts at the various forums, and also maybe reviews and conceptual websites. So yes, the information is out there...but it's just not all that easily accessable without a lot of digging. Compiling it would take some work, but it'd be well worth it if done right.
I would advise against linking anything to a chat group. especialy yahoo. I don't use yahoo. It has problem with my pc. To see a page that links to yahoo.. and i try it.. discourages me to read on. I don't like to deal with problems of something not working.. and neither does anyone else. and seem to work for anyone. At most, like to those. But if you have to log in, it's no longer "free" info. it's work. :mrgreen:
i agree with linking to yahoo. they are nice but too much BS... id rather see something like John1701A's little "factoid" flyers he made up that has condensed info that is concise and to the point. chat groups are nice, but even the best of em requires wading through a lot of BS to get to the meat of the subject. it would be more work, but to take a subject, read the available info on it, then condense the important info into a report would be the ultimate. (i know, it sounds like your 8th grade history class) also, i think what Danny has done with the FAQ's here is excellent. very concise and easy to follow.
Also, there could be a condensed version, and then a link that brought the reader to a more broad version, catering to both kinds of readers. We don't have to compromise if there are enough people willing to make it happen. And as for how to handle information from the yahoo groups, while it would take some good work, the useful snippets could be taken and placed into corresponding wiki entries, each entry having a page worth of comments from Yahoo group members. Some of this information would certainly be incorporated into the entry itself.
Geez, I have a degree in Computer Science and yet have to admit that I had to Google 'wiki'. and for those - like me - who are new to this concept, here's the definition I found and ""Wiki is a piece of server software that allows users to freely create and edit Web page content using any Web browser. Wiki supports hyperlinks and has a simple text syntax for creating new pages and cross-links between internal pages on the fly. Wiki is unusual among group communication mechanisms in that it allows the organization of contributions to be edited in addition to the content itself. Like many simple concepts, "open editing" has some profound and subtle effects on Wiki usage. Allowing everyday users to create and edit any page in a Web site is exciting in that it encourages democratic use of the Web and promotes content composition by non-technical users."" This sounds fun and exciting to me. I design and develop technologically-based training and educational materials. I have been chomping at the bits to get my Prius so I can actually contribute something worth while to the discussion. John1701A's materials are awesome. They are concise, easy to read, and well formatted. I think that with the joint effort of the members of this board, just about every question asked about a Prius can be answered in the same manner.
There already is a Prius article at the Wikipedia encyclopedia. It can be found at As with all Wikipedia articles, it can be added to. I have added a link to PriusChat to the article this morning. Jeff
A prime example is Wikipedia. It's an encyclopedia with over 300,000 articles built by its readers. Anyone can add to it or edit any article, no login required. Here's the Prius article: It already had a link to John's site -- I was about to add a link to this one and found that somebody just beat me to it. EDIT: Ahh... didn't see your post in time, jkash.
Hi all. My approach has always been focused on data gathering. Then once I have enough, the hope is that a pattern will naturally emerge. The most important info basically rises to the top all by itself. It's like not laying any sidewalks at a new park. Just let them establish themselves. Allow the people to walk where they please. Eventually, the wear pattern in the grass will reveal where the sidewalk should be. And it will obviously appeal to many, since that is the path they have beeen walking all along. As for the website, it was blatantly obvious that people enjoy a variety of photos. So that's what I have strived to deliver. The "blog" phenomenon really caught me off guard. I had no idea so many would care about details like that. But they do. So I have done my best to fulfill that need too. The INFO-SHEET and USER-GUIDE were my attempts to summarize, to take the best info our combined minds had come up with and put it into a pleasing format that could be used offline. That non-web (printout) format was very important. It is a tool we can you to stimulate interest, to draw people online... enough to get them to try out a discussion group like this! I'm constantly filling a notebook with topics of hot items, things that require more attention than just an few updates. My latest effort was completely rewriting my misconceptions page. The week before, I finally did a large set of updates to the USER-GUIDE. Another on the way (eventually) is a brand new summary document, called OWNER-EXPECTATIONS. But the catch with this is lack of data. It takes a long time to gather enough... hence my approach. I try to be as proactive as I can, to keep ahead of the need wave. So I really appreciate the assistance some offer toward that... like with alternate tires. The discussion here revealed the desire for a better choice. Now I am 1,701 miles into testing. As a result, a few others will likely try them later too. So by the time that data is requested by the masses, while'll have a bunch available. If a new tool emerges that will help with that purpose, keep us informed. It may later be added as a resource... but not necessarily right away. I fought pretty hard against the PDF format back when version 3.0 was still ubiquitous. It had a number of technical problems that would have impaired our efforts. But then when the much improved 5.0 version finally became available, I jumped on board and took full advantage of PDF. And by the time 6.0 was released, I had already prepared to take advantage of it. The format had proven quite valuable. In summary, I'm going with the flow, building upon what we come up to help solve our emission & consumption problem.
John, I sincerely hope you do not take my interest in founding a PriusWiki for any sort of slight against your efforts. Quite the opposite -- I would love to see you participate and contribute information if we bring such a thing into being. I would also understand, however, if you were reluctant to do so, given the amount of effort you've put into building your own site! I think there's a lot of good information out there -- much of it is on your site. I've been a Web junkie for long enough, however, that I've come to believe in the value of linking information together more actively. That said, this post is just a strawman. I continue to welcome comments -- both from those who really like the idea, and those who think it's redundant. I have a little time and effort already invested in setting up a skeleton for such a service, but not so much that I'll be upset if the idea doesn't fly :-D
Similarly, I should hope my interest wouldn't be taken as a slight against your site, John. I absolutely love your site, and I think it's the best Prius site out there. I'm simply interested in this wiki format and the large amounts of centralized information it can bring. No large quantity of contibuters will ever beat the quality of your site, though!