The light in the trunk is pathetic so I bypassed the original one and put in a 10W COB LED instead wired to a barrel jack so it can be removed easily with the shelf (search for sumbulbs on AliExpress). Here are the results!
Very nice. If you decide to ever add an overhead light to the rear area of the car, please post that as well. Why there is no overhead light in the rear of the car I will never know, but it too is sorely needed.
Nice mod. I added silvering to the stock lamp reflector, and then a brighter LED. It helped but this removable lamp looks like a great solution.
I'm pretty sure that's a different model prius, one that already has a dome light back there. Notice the extra sail lights on the front window and the height-adjustable seat belt anchors. Cs don't have those either. You could put in a rear dome like that but it isn't going to look quite that good. Part of what you're looking at is a pressed, molded headliner panel with a recessed cutout to fit the lamp. You won't be able to do that as a retrofit.
Yeah, I just noticed this is a prius c area. We do not have "prius c" in Europe Mine it's a normal prius plug in, so it has rear lights
The Aqua shows one available . Part number crosses over to US spec 13+ Corolla, 09+ 4Runner etc. A trip to the dealer or salvage yard and you should have everything you need.
Thanks for the inspiration. I finally got mine done today, but I think your barrel jack turned out better than mine.
Any thoughts on the DC socket being a 2-pin (pos/neg connections only) vs. 3-pin (with 3rd connection to ground of course) ? I want to do the same in my car, lights in the trunk. I have some DIY experience with electronics but not an academic electrical background, sadly. What I'm wondering is, with a 2-pin DC socket, the exposed part of the housing/chassis is wired to the negative terminal, so you'd always have exposed metal on your socket that's connected into the negative power line. I'm not super familiar with whether this might pose a safety risk in any way? vs. if a different type of connector might be more appropriate here, or at least some kind of protective cover around it ?
Car wiring typically grounds the negative side of the 12 volt system to the whole metal car body anyway. You're touching the 12 volt negative any time you're touching your car. The outside of your barrel jack poses no more of a danger.