2005 Toyota Prius, lots of error codes just came up, Kingston NY

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting' started by MicMacMike, Oct 2, 2018.

  1. MicMacMike

    MicMacMike New Member

    Sep 8, 2018
    New York
    2005 Prius
    This is my first time posting and I could use some mechanical advice. I live in Kingston, NY and I just purchased a 2005 Toyota Prius from a private seller. The car has only 110,000 miles, and drove like a dream for the first months I owned it. Now I go to turn it on and I get the red triangle warning light, the brake light, and check engine. The cooling fan for the battery turns on loud, and the engine rumbles loudly as it starts up.

    I checked the 12v battery and when I just start it, it's voltage is at 12.0- when I turn the car on it increases to about 14.5. Does that mean it's dying? I'm not a car expert.

    I have a code scanner at my job, and these are what came up:
    P3000 battery control system
    P0A80 replace hybrid battery pack
    P3018 Battery block 8 becomes weak
    C1256 Accumulator Low Pressure Malfunction
    C1259 HV System Regenerative Malfunction
    C1310 Malfunction in HV System
    B1421 Solar Sensor Circuit (Passenger Side)

    I don't know what to do next. Should I try replacing the 12v battery first? Should I just bite the bullet and replace the traction battery?

    Does anyone know any really good shops around Kingston, Newburgh or Poughkeepsie that could do this work? Thanks.
  2. Priusyipee

    Priusyipee Active Member

    Nov 9, 2012
    Upstate New York
    2005 Prius
    I would buy a new battery directly from Toyota. Congratulations on the new car! I have the opposite problem. My 2005 runs like a dream with 332,000 miles and the original hybrid battery but the heavy salt use up here by the Canadian border is turning my Prius into a rust bucket. :eek:
  3. exstudent

    exstudent Senior Member

    Jul 11, 2009
    Torrance, CA
    2007 Prius
    But can you DIY? Are you comfortable working on/tinkering on cars you drove in the past?

    If yes, then you can undertake the repairs needed to get the car up and running, if you feel this is the right decision for you.

    Kudos to you for listing the codes from a scanner that can read Prius codes!!!!!!

    You are looking at possibly two costly repairs, relatively speaking.

    1) The HV Battery pack needs to be replaced. Buying replacement modules or a used/reconditioned/remanufactured/rebuilt HV Battery will only prolong the mistery of repeated failures and having an unreliable car. A new HV Battery form a Toyota dealer who sells on like ranges from $1800-$2500; you need to find such a dealer near you, and who will sell to you. You can always see if local dealers will match the online dealer prices. $1803.16 from Camelback Toyota (Phoenix, AZ); 2005 Toyota Prius Parts - Camelback Toyota Parts - Genuine OEM Parts - Free Shipping Put the price in perspective by amortizing the cost over its likely life expectancy. The original HV Battery is warranted for 8/10years by design; most people seem to get that, meaning Toytoa has few warranty replacements they are liable for. A rare few seem to get far longer. $1803.16/10 years = $180.32/year = $15.03/month
    P0A80 replace hybrid battery pack
    P3018 Battery block 8 becomes weak

    2) You might have to replace the hydraulic brake booster. Reference the trouble shooting diagnostic tree for this code. Some people have installed a used donor part from a junk yard (LKQ salvage yards) or salvage part sellers (http://www.LKQonline.com).
    C1256 Accumulator Low Pressure Malfunction​

    The 12V battery could use a recharge. Use a smart AGM compatible charger.
    Read this post to see how to perform a load test on the AGM battery. Is my inverter coolant pump slowly failing? | PriusChat
    Post 5-quick easy way to load test the 12V battery
    Post 8-SOC (State of Charge) chart, some smart, AGM compatible 12V battery chargers.

    If you have to pay for labor, think long and hard. It probably is not worth it.
    #3 exstudent, Oct 3, 2018
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2018
  4. ericbecky

    ericbecky Hybrid Battery Hero

    Mar 12, 2004
    Madison, Wisconsin
    2005 Prius
    P0A80 and p3018 are the ones that matter.

    Your hybrid battery is dead.

    Sorry, don't know anyone in your area.

    Stick with a NEW (not USED) battery.

    Will likely list between $2600- $3500.
    Lower price is if you can find an independent shop who will install it for you.

    No matter what a NEW battery will always outlast a USED one. Don't get suckered into buying a USED one if you can get NEW at a price you can afford.

    You have a low mileage car and a new battery will likely last as long as the original one if not longer.