I have a loved one who recently purchased a 2018 Prius Prime Advanced. Lately, when I've been streaming music via Bluetooth to the car from my iPhone X, I hear constant dropouts and other distortion. I never experienced any of this with the same love one's old 2014 Camry LE or another loved one's 2010 Prius base model in which I used this : Does anyone know if there is any fix for this? Thanks, jdb2
Sounds like weak reception, some cell phone cases can attenuate the Bluetooth signal, as well as other factors like is the phone in someone's pocket or some spots in the car. Realistically, it shouldn't matter that much...a phone case in my opinion might be more likely to cause problems than say if the phone is in your pocket or fell under the seat, etc. What phone is it? Bluetooth typically has a range of 30 ft give or take so it really should work pretty much anywhere inside the car. That all being said, before we blame the car need to check and see if the problem occurs with other phones and devices connected via Bluetooth. I've have several Prii myself and never experienced any issues with the Bluetooth, yet.
I’ve run into the same thing with our 17 advanced with multiple iOS devices (iPhone 5s, 7 plus, and X). Very intermittent, but usually have to hard reboot the infotainment system (hold down audio off until it restarts) to get clear connection. Doesn’t matter where in the car the devices are. iPad ?
So the reboot didn't fix the problem. It does not happen with my wife's iPhone 6, but is a fairly constant problem with my iPhone X. My phone works fine in our other non-Toyota car. It happens with both streaming audio and with music stored on the phone. Again, pretty annoying. Any other ideas?
Might be a stretch, but I know iPhones used to (and still might) start toggling off radios when the screen is off. There was a lot of problems people had when the iPhone would turn off the WiFi whenever the screen was off. You might try leaving the screen on and see if it still happens, or if the dropouts only start when the screen is off.
Take it back to the dealer if you can... I have NO such issues with my iPhone X (never drops out at all and I have listened to audio books for hours straight on long drives)
Dang, I finally figured out the problem. My wife and both have iPhones. I am "primary" for music. She is "primary" for phone. When she is not in the car, there are no skips. When she is, lots of skips. She is the primary driver, but she doesn't use the BT phone when I am driving. So, we made her secondary on phone, also. Seems to have fixed the problem.