I'm finally getting around to my coilover install. I cannot get the wiper cowl to come off. I've already got the button clips out but I can't the cowl free from the windshield. Any tips or tricks for this?
I can't speak for Gen 4, but in Gen 3 it definitely needs to slide down the windshield before it can be lifted free (with risk of a windshield crack if not done that way). -Chap
The Repair Manual has a detailed, illustrated procedure for this: under “Vehicle Exterior: WIPER / WASHER: FRONT WIPER MOTOR: REMOVAL,” it’s step 6, “REMOVE COWL TOP VENTILATOR LOUVER SUB-ASSEMBLY.” You’re supposed to use a molding remover, but to avoid damaging the windshield glass or the part as you disengage it, the manual shows how to prepare the remover with protective tape, exactly where and how far to insert the remover, and which ways to push. I’d post the information here for you, but just that one step runs to six pages, which is more than I’m prepared to claim as “fair use” under the copyright laws, especially when you can subscribe to techinfo.toyota.com for $15 or toyota-tech.eu for € 3.
I read the toyota repair manual. I am stuck on this step as well. I have a molding remover but maybe not the exaclty correct one. It is wide and angled like in the manual but I cannot get it to work. Has anyone actually done this?
I haven’t had to remove mine, so I’m sorry I can’t share any practical tips. Does your molding remover look like Toyota’s Molding Remover D (09061-1C340), seen in photos on these pages (in Japanese and Russian, respectively): トヨタ(純正) REMOVER D, MOULDING のパーツレビュー | エスティマハイブリッド(ロッシーカズ) | みんカラ Скарб № 34 фетишки №20 ( ну не усмотрел я в прошлый раз в коробке пару мелочей) — бортжурнал Toyota Cresta GX-81 CEPQK to CEPVZ 1990 года на DRIVE2 (see the last set of photos) It looks like it’s about 155 mm × 30 mm, to give you an idea of the mechanical advantage it provides.
When I replaced the front struts on my Gen 2 it said to remove the wiper assembly but I was able to get the three nuts off the top of the strut assembly without removing the wiper assembly. The only thing is you can't torque the nuts when installing the new ones. I would have to look at my 2016 to see if it can be done on it.
I notice you've got a PRIME, so not sure if it's the same. It appears that the cowl removal is described in the Wiring Harness Recall document sent out a couple of weeks ago - check out POST #69 on this thread: Engine wiring harness safety recall (model year 2016–2018) | Page 4 | PriusChat No guarantees - looks a bit risky.