So the flexible cover goes into the Prime easily enough, but how in Hades does it come back out? It folds up, so clearly it's meant to come off and on. I'm probably missing something entirely obvious, but how do you get this bit out without breaking something??
It looks like it may have been installed incorrectly, small loop onto the big knob. Just try to get it out without breaking the knob. When you reinstall it, put the small loop onto the small knob and big loop onto the big knob.
Just wanted to say thanks, triggerhappy007. You had it. I still don't know how the thing got installed the wrong way by the dealer, considering how incredibly hard it was to get off. I basically risked breaking things to get the rope off the post, but it eventually did pop off. Cover is reinstalled with the big loop on the big post, and all is well. A confounding problem, to be sure, but you got it.
Not sure if the prime advanced cover is interchangeable into the plus/premium, but our advanced came with the rolling style cover like our gen 3 had. iPad ?