Hi all. I'm new to the forum. I have a Prius 2010 and I'll have to change the hybrid battery very probably. I live in Mexico, here nobody offers rebuilt, regenerated or refurbished batteries unless it's from another trashed vehicle, which is now my only option. I'm still waiting for my Toyota dealer diagnostic but I'm almost sure it will be a battery change so I'm preparing for the big hit in the teeth. Right now I'm evaluating taking my car, driving it with the gas engine only to Houston (roughly 1400 km) and get a battery change with a rebuilt one from the closest dealer could find. My question is, do you think my car can make it, or am I going to bust the engine? Does anyone know the milage with the gas engine only one with a Prius 2010? Thanks.
The hybrid battery starts the engine... No hybrid battery, no engine... If you have DIY repair skills and like learning about and working on cars you might be able to study all the forums on Prius Chat and repair it yourself for a relatively low cost...
Roughly 150000 km. And by the way Prius got 2 batteries, a normal one to start de combustion engine and the hybrid for the rest of the show. I'm driving around normally without the electric motor assist. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Yes Prius has Two batteries... The 12v starts up all the computers, lights, accessories and the High voltage battery functions as the starter for the combustion engine. So if you can still drive your car it means you still have use of your HV battery. Soon as the computers decides you can no longer use the hybrid battery and the engine turns off the car can't be started. But if you disconnect the 12v battery for 5 minutes the car will forget that it shut off use of the HV battery and you might be able to get a little further down the road before it realizes that it needs to shut off access to the HV to protect car from further damage.
Now if you are driving a moderate speed, where the gasoline engine is running between 1500 and like 3800 rpm, where you are still traveling at a constant, decent speed, you may get pretty far. At these speeds, the ICE is turning MG1 fast enough to keep up with MG2’s electric demands. As soon as the needs of MG2 exceed the output of MG1, the computers will shut you down.
A regenerated or refurbished battery bought from a company is just somebody else's failed battery which has been given a quick repair. Do not expect that to last. There are a few hobbyists who spend the time & effort to properly test & balance a used pack. The recommended options are either a new Toyota pack or, if you are a do-it-yourself person, @2k1Toaster here sells a kit of new cells that basically gives you a new pack for less money. His website is in my signature.He charges $1600 delivered in the US. I do not know the charge to ship to Mexico instead.
Yes, that's mostly true... But there's plenty of legitimate mechanics out their doing high quality and very thorough rebuilds. Trick is figuring out which ones do the job correctly and which ones are hacks. If I were you I'd go to hybridautomotive.com website and start that research by finding mechanics on their map who are using their pro machine / certified re-seller of their reconditioning service.
OP is probably stranded somewhere on the road as they posted but didn’t read the responses. Just kidding, I hope that didn’t happen.
Help me out, I'm in the middle of nowhere...I'm out of water, cell's battery is over and the vultures are flocking in, send help!.... Hahahaha don't worry, I abandoned my crazy crusade! I'm actually about to sell the car and buy another one, not a hybrid this time, hehe. Sorry I haven't been posting so much on this thread but I've been active on many others. My problem isn't over, I still need a new battery, I'm just learning that I might have another problem to worry with the EGR that my dealer never told me about and I'm still looking for someone capable to help me out with the ECU since my Toyota dealer is a useless scumbag and claims he can't reset my ECU so he's offering to change it along with the battery as they usually do since the Prius ECU is from another world and can't bother learn to do it. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Your crusade isn’t really all that crazy. After all, back in July I took off on my own crusade. To put a Gen 4 ICE into my Gen 3. There were a lot of people who said it couldn’t be done. But after almost 6 months and 5400 miles, I can say that it was a success. Seems like you could find a wrecked one with a good hybrid battery and save it.
This is awesome... Did you post about this? Got any pics or links about some of the challenges? Isn't the Gen4 and Gen3 exhaust system incompatible in some ways?
Tried it, couldn't get a hold of one. Wrecked Prius battery's sell like hot bread. GG on your engine transplant! Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
The thread “Engine swap question” details my exploits in the changeover. Basically from the block to the oil pan, a 2ZR-FXE is all the same. The head, specifically the coolant connection to the head is the difference. So I rebuilt my head with the parts from the newer head and assembled it all like a jigsaw puzzle.