Has anyone put a leather cover over the center console to prevent it from getting dirty or just plain worn out?, I know the fabric is going to get worn away very soon from the arms constantly resting on it. Does anyone have any pics of what they did to cover the center console? Where did you buy it?, Special Order?? How?? Where??? How did you attach it?? Professionally or yourself?? Inquiring minds would love to know!!! Thanks,
I have had a leather cover on my console for 4 years. Bought it from Robin who used to be on this forum a lot. She sells them on eBay. eBay Motors: Toyota Prius Center Console Leather Cover Fits 04 - 08 (item 110251803460 end time May-17-08 18:03:15 PDT)
I have a tan leather one I bought from Robin (Prius Hoods) about 2 years ago and it has really saved my console from us messy people...
I also have Robin's leather console cover. And for those of you who are unhappy with the lack of padding, I bought a 1/2 thick piece of foam from the fabric store, and cut it to size and placed it under the leather cover when I installed it. Much more comfortable now. Fernsmom
I too have the PriusHoods center console leather cover. Fits well for a non-permanent aftermarket item. And the look/feel is far superior to the cheezy OEM paper thin plastic covering. As to padding. For ~$2 US, craft stores in the Ballamer metro area carry a product called Darico FOAMIES Sheets. A middle density foam sheet, 12" X 18", in 2 and 4mm thicknesses. (4mm = ~3/16 inch.) Many colors, though it doesn't matter for this application. If you get the 2mm you can use it as single or double layers depending on the amount of "give" you prefer. Cut it to size and place under the leather cover. It is firmer than foam, has really classy feel. In addition to one or two thicknesses, you can stiffen it up a little by contact cementing two layers together, or cementing a layer of heavy cloth/canvas to a single layer. It is not affected even by the old style contact cement. It seems to be neoprene, the stuff wet suits are made of.
Robin is the best....also bought the screen hood to make it easier to see when the sun is straight up. Best products and great quality. I love the center console cover
I saw that screen hood on her website, it looks very sharp!!, That will probably be my next purchase.
Well, I just received the leather cover yesterday from Robin. I LOVE IT!! It is a perfect fit and looks really sharp on the console. It was super easy to put on and I did what someone else suggested and bought a very small piece of 1/4 inch thick foam padding from Joann Fabrics for a whole $1.75 and cut the piece down to size and placed it under the cover. Now the center console is very cushy and covered in beautiful leather!!!!! Thanks to all that pointed me to the cover on Ebay and the suggestion about the foam underneath.
My husband took apart not only the center console, but also all doors so I could cover them in vinyl. Not a hard thing to do... all you need is a hot glue gun and whatever material, vinyl or leather......
This seems to be an old thread. I could not find the ebay page anymore I wonder if Robin or priushoods is still around...
I did mine in automotive-grade vinyl, which I think is much more durable than leather. I got the vinyl from the junkyard, from the back of a Chevy S-10 bench seat, where it was in mint condition. It wasn't at all difficult. Armrest by egg_salad posted Nov 14, 2017 at 5:14 PM
my wife's cloth cover was looking ratty, so I bought some garment leather from ebay, and used the cloth cover for a template. I used super glue and weatherstrip adhesive, with a bunch of small clips and clothes pins to hold it in place while the glue dried. not too difficult and looks good, sorry no pix. you got to stretch the leather to get the wrinkles out of it. use thin leather, because the thicker it is the harder it is to work it.
you can buy a leather coat / jacket at places like thrift / second hand / goodwill, shops and do what I did what '69shovlhed' said; use the OEM as a template and cut your leather somewhat larger (in many 2nd gen the back[facing the back seat] is what lifts up). there are six screws holding the console cover on.