When the choice is A: $1200 150k mile Gen 3 engine or B:$1000 8k mile Gen 4 engine that needs “massaged” or reusing “repaired” Gen 3 head, I think the obvious choice is the lower mile short block. At least it is for me.
Well, if someone has some extra cash, and time, they could buy a few Gen 4 engines and convert them to the Gen 3. They sell them ready to install!
Thanks guys, I took the info and jumped on a 1k mile 4th gen motor for $800. The swap is going nice. Hope to have it running tomorrow.
Approaching 3000 miles on mine and not a hint of an issue at all. Showing 53.5 mpg on the HSI and that’s driving in Normal mode. No measurable oil loss or coolant usage.
Now I kinda want to buy a Prius with blown head gasket and swap 4th Gen engine in it!! I miss my Prius already!
@cnc97 i salute you for the courage and thibking out of the box. I read most of your threads and wanted to ask you for a summery of all items of the swap which were not identical and next to each one a summery of how you took care of it.like the dipstick etc... Hoping its not too time consuming for you
@cnc97 i salute you for the courage and thibking out of the box. I read most of your threads and wanted to ask you for a summery of all items of the swap which were not identical and next to each one a summery of how you took care of it.like the dipstick etc... Hoping its not too time consuming for you
On my swap, I used my Gen 3 head. New head gasket and bolts. I reused the valve cover gasket from my engine. There’s an issue with FelPro and their part numbers for the Gen 3 motor. The only things correct in the entire head gasket set were the head gasket, exhaust manifold gasket, intake gasket, and the valve seals. The other miscellaneous gaskets in the set were wrong. I reused the EGR gaskets, water pump gasket, throttle body gasket, thermostat gasket. I used the chain and gears from the Gen 4 engine. Also the cams. New tensioner though. Timing cover and valve cover are Gen 3. I did buy a can of high temp black wrinkle finish paint for the valve cover. Gen 4 coils were a direct fit. Also Gen 4 fuel rail and injectors. However the rubber hose from Gen 4 fuel rail is different. The vehicle side connector is different. Use the rubber hose with connector from the Gen 3 motor. If anyone within 75 miles of Evansville IN has a need for a Gen 4 head, valve cover, intake, and some other miscellaneous hoses, drop me a PM. It’s taking up space, but it’s too valuable to just throw away. The head is missing one cylinder worth of valves.
Do you know if the ecu's are programmed the same? Could be kind of like 1st and 2nd gen 1.5L engines. Same size, but I think there are differences in the programming, VVT, and etc. Of course that is not rock solid assurance speaking though. I could be mistaken. Just saying, it's worth considering.
Memorable quotes: "...you're looking at the part you wanna remove; just go ahead and remove it, yah know..." "...you're gonna be looking at this wire through the whole process, thinking: what do I do with this wire..." "... make sure you don't break the glass, cus this will be right where you don't want it, for this whole process..." "...if you're going to be hyper: don't be hyper there..." "...on the floor: the car's got leather, it doesn't get to sit on the seat..." Thank you, really good video, funny, invaluable tips, saving this. Particularly like how you stay organized, the drawers and sticky notes. And the prep: things to do before you disconnect the batteries. And to take pictures/videos before you start pulling stuff off. The cowl and wipers sounds very similar to regular 3rd gen hatchback btw. Big question: the video is "part one". Going to YouTube I didn't see subsequent parts. Are they there, or are you still editing? Really like to see it through. This should be stickied, once the dust settles? @Tideland Prius ?
There are 8 parts, (about 3 hours edited) so far, on YouTube. Editing is time consuming, and no "do overs" on this, yet. More to come - the engine installation videos will go up as they are edited. And please forgive the quality and sometimes the noise. Next time, the compressor will go outside.
I took it on faith that mine would run as a Gen 3. On the Gen 4, there were changes to the engine, trans-axle and ECU/PCU, but there is no need to change the ECU/PCU.