Before I bought my Prius I saw a video that showed how a guy used a flash drive with his pictures on it, and some way downloaded it into the Prius. The picture on the larger screen (I think) changed to one from his flash drive. I think this was on Utube. Has anyone else seen this or know how to do it? And is having the Carista a big help with owning a Prius?
You can download your own STARTUP picture to the Multimedia/Reverse Camera screen. Supposedly there is a "Screen Off" picture, but I can't get it to work, though I haven't really pursued it - it probably does and I've done something wrong. The start-up picture only shows for maybe 3 or 5 seconds, unfortunately. You can download 3 images for both functions which you can then select from, which you need to put on a USB stick which has 2 specified folder names. It's in the Multimedia manual under "BASIC FUNCTION -> 3.Other Settings -> Genreral Settings (P48 in my manual) -> CUSTOMISATION THE STARTUP AND SCREEN OFF IMAGES". [This was my Screen Off picture I tried - but hasn't worked - yet.]
Pretty easy to do -- instructions are in the owner's manual somewhere. The picture you add at startup only flashes for a fraction of a second for me-- you can send yourself a subliminal message of sorts. It's kind of fun. If there is a way to get that picture to stay on for even a full second I would be grateful to learn how. Threee to five would be even better. You can also add another picture when that will stay on when the screen is otherwise turned "off"-- which defeats the purpose of having a functional screen. That said, you can leave a photo of your significant other up and drive around until it is noticed -- might take while but good for a smile.
The Carista is a pretty cool accessory for the Prius. I can open all the windows and the sunroof by holding the lock button on the remote. That helps on hot days. I turned the annoying back-up beeping off. I changed how many times the one-touch turn signal clicks from 3 to 5. There are some other things I've heard in the new update I haven't downloaded yet. I've also heard that there is a new pricing plan for new customers that is a complete rip off. If you can't get Carista for a $20 one-time fee, go to the dealer and they could change many of the settings for you.
Format Flash Drive with Windows default settings. Copy the JPG images to the flash drive, into folders named DisplayOffImage and StartupImage (you can load three from each folder) The correct image sizes are 800 x 480 for the Prius Plug-in advanced with Premium HDD Navigation with 7-in. high-resolution touch-screen On my Gen3 I select Setup / Display / Screen Off to have the Off Image display when the unit is off.
Hello, I'm curious to know what other customizations are available (besides back-up beeping & turn signal)) in the Carista app? Thanks in advance.
There is a list in this thread (post #3) that was accurate at the time I made it: Carista for personalization | PriusChat