Hello everyone, new to the forum. I would like to know if anyone attempted to replace door lock cylinder on Gen 4 Prius/Prius Prime. For previous generation models, it looks like a super easy job: (I'm not allowed to put the link yet, but do a google search on 'toyota prius door lock', then 'techno-fandom' write up with show up on the search ) I couldn't find any information on Gen 4 models. Looking at the door handle design, the door panel may have to be removed. If anyone has online manual to share the removal instruction, I would really appreciate it. Thank you.
My key fob got stolen and I'm in the process of making a new one, but even if the old key fob is disabled, the thief will still have access to my vehicle using a physical key. Toyota dealer will charge arm & leg for door lock cylinder replacement, and I think I can do the replacement myself once I get the instruction. For gen2/gen3 prius, it looks like a 10 min job without removing a door panel, but looking at the gen4 door knob design, it looks like door knob has to be removed (which requires door panel removal as well). If anyone has a knowledge on door knob & lock cylinder removal, please let me know. Thank you.
In the Repair Manual (available by subscription to techinfo.toyota.com), removal of the front door lock cylinder assembly is step 23 under Vehicle Exterior: Door/Hatch: Front Door: Disassembly. The procedure is similar to the one Hobbit kindly describes for older Prius cars, including the use of a T30 wrench to loosen, but not remove, the screw, and the 4.0 N·m torque specification for reassembly. In the procedure, as on previous generations, the steps to remove the trim, glass, and window regulator, among other parts, come first, but I don’t know if these are now necessary. They clearly weren’t for Hobbit. The procedure is also in the ChiltonLibrary service, to which many public libraries sponsor access, under 2016 Toyota Prius > Repair > Body > Exterior.
If the car is locked by the FOB or "keyless - touch lock", the physical key won't unlock the car. At least I haven't been able to do so. If you lock it with the physical key - it can only be unlocked with the physical key. I've only replaced key-lock-cylinders on a '90s MAZDA - and that required the door panel to be removed. It was fairly intuitive after that ... BUT ... it didn't have electric locks, so could be a whole new vista inside a PRIUS.
Perhaps it’s a regional variation: I just tried on my car (2016, U.S. specification), and I was able to unlock the driver’s door after having locked the doors with the wireless remote. I’d assumed this was by design, to allow access in case the auxiliary battery dies.
I just tried it again. And it DID work. I thought I'd read that you can, but it hadn't worked in the past - and so I tried again yesterday. No, it didn't. BUT I would have had the FOB in my pocket those times. And previously, if I locked it with the Mechanical key, I could only unlock with the Mechanical key, the touch handle was disabled. I'd done it many times, when Mum decided to sit in the car with the A/C while I went into the shop or bank. But all those times, I left the Hybrid system running, and A/C on. This time, I left the electronic key inside the house, and it unlocked fine with the Mechanical key - but the folding mirrors didn't un-fold. I then re-locked it with the mechanical key - retrieved the FOB, expecting to have to unlock it with the Mechanical key - but the FOB worked normally. Really odd. I'm missing something - or it's erratic. I'll try it again and report back. My Manual says:
Q. For Gen 4 Prius door lock cylinder replacement, looking at the door handle design, it doesn't look like it can be done without removing door panel? A. It appears the Gen4 door lock cylinder T30 bolt can be loosed from the side access port like the Gen2 and Gen3 door lock cylinders, but the cylinder itself cannot be removed without opening up the door panel.