I'm in it now - Front wheel bearing/hub replacement

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Care, Maintenance and Troubleshooting' started by perfectspeed, Aug 18, 2009.

  1. Thesugarfiend

    Thesugarfiend New Member

    Jun 15, 2018
    Los Ángeles
    2007 Prius
    Hi Prius chat. I own a 2004 Prius. Yesterday and prior to this accident I would brake and the car would drag. The dealer said my brakes were fine and when drove my abs and brake lights remain on. I called them I never heard back from them anyways yesterday, I hit the shoulder going north on the 110 on the passenger side to avoid hitting other vehicles now my stearing wheel pulls to the right and makes an awful noise while driving and cracking noise when turning right. I’ve been reading threads and it seams to be it just I only have 300 in the bank I want to get the right parts and ask the tire man to replace for me. A friend says it’s the driver side cv axle that needs to be replaced. Single mom student living in LA needs help please :-x
  2. greasy

    greasy Junior Member

    Aug 30, 2017
    Santa Cruz
    2004 Prius
    Ditto -- thanks All for the helpful hints! The job went surprisingly well, all things considered. Here are a few additional hints for those who've read this far:

    My hat is off to those who could replace the bearing without removing the knuckle from the car. Most gen 2 Prius are by now high mileage cars, and will most likely need the knuckle removed to hammer or press out the bearing.

    For me, removing a tie rod ball joint is often frustrating, so I opted instead to simply unscrew the tie rod end. I painted a line over the locknut, threads, and tie rod end with whiteout, and then scratched a line through all the parts, so that they could be reinstalled without changing the car’s alignment. I then backed off the locknut a hair, and unscrewed the inner tie rod with a 13 mm wrench.

    My bearing eventually yielded to sledgehammer blows, aided by PB blaster.

    On reassembly, make sure the sheet metal dust guard is pointing the right way! ;-)

    As mentioned by others, reinstalling the dustcap is tricky. Solution: use the old bearing as a driver.