My Prime has been driving me nuts and I'm not sure if it's normal due to the LRR tires and low amount of body insulation. On my stock Toyo tires, the road noise seems to kick up right around 62mph and gets worse at 71mph. There is no steering wheel shake evident. Rotating the tires makes no difference. It's all coming from the front end. I installed a set of 17" wheels and tires to test, and the same problem occurs, just much louder since the tires are firmer, less sidewall, and non-Eco. Does anyone else notice an increase in road noise at a certain speed, or are your Primes quiet all the way up from 60-75+ mph? I know I can't expect this car to be as quiet as my BMW. Just wondering how much is normal. For what it's worth, the car is super smooth from 30-50. (Typical resonance range if a tire was out of balance) Thanks!
no prime experience, but on my 3 different pri, road noise dramatically increased at higher speeds, depending on the asphalt type.
Thanks, the more reading I do it seems it's normal. Maybe someone with aftermarket 17" wheels can chime in on their experiences too... I think there's a few on here.
I don't have a Prime. My 2016 Touring is smooth and quiet all the way up to 85 MPH on OEM 17-inchers. I'm wondering if it is from the drivetrain, not the tires. Does it happen in all drive modes, EV and HV? In other words, do you experience this in pure electric mode or when ICE is running, or both?
Thanks for the feedback. Yup, it happens in EV, HV, and even when coasting in neutral with the engine off. I honestly think it's a drivetrain thing as you mentioned. It's louder on my firm 17" tires, maybe it's the wheel bearing(s)? My service manager didn't hear a thing when he drove it, and I even took him out in it and he heard nothing, so this is gonna be a difficult one to have covered by warranty. It takes some time to hear at very specific speeds, and the traffic didn't really allow for me to do that when I was out with him. Frustrating. However, if it's a bearing or axle or the drievetrain itself, I'm sure it'll get worse before it gets better. And it'll be under warranty.
on my prime it seams as if the car pulls to the left when in HV mode but not when in EV mode, anyone heard of this issue?
2016 non-Prime Prius. Came with 15" Toyo tires. Same complaints as the OP has. Plus loss of traction in barely wet weather.
Thanks for your honesty, bisco. Some owners of earlier Prii still deny that. But maybe it's all subjective. (I just realized this is an older thread.)
I have had both a 2016 Prius (Two) and now a 2018 Prius Prime that I bought up in the north east and drove back. In general, both are moderately quiet. If you came from something more upscale, like a Buick, even a Camry, probably going to notice more road noise. I do think the Prime is quieter than the regular base Prius, but yes at highway speeds there is more road noise. How many miles do you have on the Toyo's? Mine got very noisy as the tread wore down. One thing I can recommend is putting on Michelin Energy Savers over the Toyo. Not that the Toyo's are bad, they are much noisier than the Michelin's. On the 2016 Prius I got about 38,000~ miles roughly out of the Toyo tires that came with the car. The Michelin's have a treadwear warranty of 65,000 miles.