Hey everyone, first post on here although I've spent a lot of time on the forum! Recently my 07 has been making a strange noise that sounds like rushing water or sizzling. It happens when I accelerate and only from a stop or very slow speed. Once I'm up to speed (maybe 30-40mph) and I accelerate the sound is gone even if I punch the gas. I was driving with my dad and he said it sounded like an exhaust leak but he's not really a car guy and I can't smell any fumes either while driving or when I get out of the car. After scouring the internet I cannot find anything that sounds similar to what I'm experiencing. There's no error or check engine lights, I'm getting the same amount of gas mileage, just passed inspection (although I don't think that means much in NJ), the car gets regular maintenance and drives fine. It has been SUPER rainy for pretty much the past month but it doesn't sound like water sloshing around which is the common thing I see when I try to search for the issue. Any help would be much appreciated!!
my car's got 185,000 on him. A decent amount and to my knowledge nothing's been done to the exhaust so it may be getting up there. Most other things have been replaced (HV Battery and the entire suspension). I'll try to post a video of it soon.
Welcome to the forum! Glad to hear that your Prius has sizzling acceleration But seriously, I used to have a car that did make rushing water sounds on acceleration, and that was probably due to air trapped in the heater core. When the engine revved and spun the water pump faster, it sounded like a bit of a waterfall under the dashboard.
You would surprised how many people don’t check the coolant level in the radiator. Sometimes when you have a leak the level in the bottle does not change.
sorry guys, I'm not on the forum often enough it seems. I'm betting that it's one of the things that you've all mentioned here. Would any of these things become more serious issues over time? I'm planning on taking it to the shop this weekend to see what the issue is. What do you mean by I need 5 posts?