I just learned about the full speed dynamic radar cruise control in the Prius, and wanted to know what people thought of it. It looks like it can be used in traffic jams, correct? Has anyone had any good luck in stop and go traffic with it, or is that wishful thinking? Thanks! Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
I guess what I'm referring to technically is what Toyota calls "follow up cruising", I believe. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Yes and no. You can use it if you understand its limitations and learn how to modify your behaviour to blend semi-automation with convenience. However, it is not meant for traffic jams like Audi’s “Traffic Jam Assist” feature. For Audi, it will assist in acceleration and braking (possibly light steering) up to 37mph. Toyota’s DRCC will not do that. You have to manually tell it to accelerate every time traffic moves. It will also leave a large gap (large for traffic jams) and braking can be a bit abrupt. Of course you have to be aware if you’re crossing an intersection. You want to make sure you’re stopped before the line if the light turns red. Once you understand how it works and its limitations, then you can use it to your advantage. I’ve used it in crawling traffic with only one lane (so I don’t have to worry about merging traffic). In that scenario, it worked really well since it occasionally comes to a stop or even down to 2-4mph so DRCC was helpful in alleviating the the constant movement of my foot from brake to accelerator or just moving my foot up and down the brake pedal to modulate the speed.
Just to add to what's said above... you only have to tell it to continue if you come to a complete stop, and that's where the fact that it leaves a big gap (i.e. buffer zone) in front of you is an advantage, as it means you actually come to a complete stop less often. Even if you do come to a complete stop, to resume you can either tap the accelerator, or tap the cruise control stick up. It's certainly very usable in traffic jams and slow moving traffic. In fact I turn it on every time I'm in such a situation.
There have been lots of threads on this - worth checking them. Yes, it's great. As mentioned, if the car comes to a stop, you have to restart it with accelerator or the C/C wand. The Manual is worth reading as it gives lots of information, plus describes how best to use it safely.
Me too - I actually specifically switch it on in traffic jams. One of the traffic jam problems is minor dings when everyone is driving so close if a driver gets momentarily distracted in stop start traffic. Having the DRCC watching the car in front as well, means that I'm very unlikely to be the one that causes that due to any momentary lapse in concentration. It's great to let it simply follow at really slow speeds and match the crawling traffic, and it's easy to re-engage after it goes into "wait" mode at a complete stop.
The other problem is there is like a 4 second lag between when the car in front of you starts moving, you hit the cruise lever, and then the car starts following. I usually handle all of the stop and go myself, and then just reenable it when it looks like there won’t be anymore stops. The braking is too abrupt and leaves way too much space in front of you. It essentially slams the brakes when there is still 2-3 car lengths space, then it lags to get you going again. It definitely pisses other drivers off. It gracefully slows down until 1-2mph and then slams the brakes. In a situation where it’s not quite a complete stop it’s perfect, it will keep crawling.
Press the gas pedal as opposed to hitting the Resume button and you won't have to wait that long. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
I usually lightly press the accelerator and then lift off when the gap appears to be enough for DRCC to take over. I find that method to be smoother than waiting for the gap then pushing "RES" on the CC stalk.
I have used this feature in stop-and-go traffic and it provides an additional layer of safety to stop the car from bumping the car ahead.