This week is the National Drive Electric Week across the US. I will have my Prime at an event next weekend. I'm thinking of taking it with a full state of charge and having it ON the whole time. What I've experienced in the past is that if you go to IG-ON and leave it, the car will shut itself down after a few minutes. So I was thinking of going full ON (READY) and just leaving it in Park. Setting the foot brake for safe measures. The reason for this is that people really want to see the large screen functioning as well as the Heads up Display. Also, I could have some music playing just for ambiance. Any thoughts on this? Do you think the charge will last for 4 hours? BTW, I'm going to be in Evanston, Illinois. National Drive Electric Week Event - Evanston
i'm betting all day, there's hardly any power draw compared to driving. if it does run down, you could force charge it to 80%.
You’re forgetting @TonyPSchaefer has not figured out how to use the fuel door yet What is this Thing on the Side of my Prime? | PriusChat
that's all i've got. one hour, get it done, keeps things from tipping over on the spare, easy out when i have a full load. lightweight so as not to affect electric range, can't afford to lose any of my 12 miles.
How many electrons have left the stable? If you’re still getting 12 miles after 6 years, that’s pretty good.
That’s what I figured. The drive there and back are each enough to drain a full charge. So I’ll drive there in hybrid mode and have no concern about the drive home.
i think i have lost 15% or so. nothing scientific, just the drop in actual range on the same route, similar weather. most of it in the first two years. i have no instruments for measuring charge kWh accepted, but others who do have seen similar.
I think the Weber Auto youtube channel showed about 25A drain on the 12V system without too many accessories running. So at that rate 6kWh would last you about 20 hours. Obviously have the HVAC off. Headlights are probably an extra 10-15A, but worth it because they are one of the coolest things about these cars. Make sure to have it in "Ready" mode, not ignition on, because only Ready mode powers the 12V system from the hybrid battery. Ignition on just runs off the small 12V battery. I think somewhere buried deep in the owners manual it says that something bad happens after 20 hours of continuously being in Ready mode. I think it goes into a sort of limp mode.