So, let's assume I drive my Prius Prime for 10,000 miles fully in EV mode. Now when I sell the car (or whatever the scenarios my Odometer is applicable) technically the Gas engine is in pristine brand new condition. So should have have two Odometers, one for EV and one for Gas and the PHEV should be evaluated based on these two Odometers separately?
certainly a possibility, but most buyers will be more concerned about battery life. no on ever worries about the engine. the same is true for a regular prius, but i don't recall anyone ever caring about lower miles on the engine than the odometer. you can track engine run miles with the ev/hv ratio.
Can’t you see the EV % for the odometer in the MID? That should let you calculate the actual ICE mileage.
The odometer measures how many miles the car has gone, not how many miles the engine has driven the car. If you have a Corolla and you install a new engine does that mean that the odometer should be changed and you should forget all the other wear on the car?
Agreed but the price of the car has a correlation to the Odometer reading, correct? At least sites like KBB use it as one of the variable in determining the price.
But nothing else about the vehicle is new. Remember that they are buying a whole vehicle, not a stand-alone gasoline engine.
Because everything else has under gone the wear; the transaxle, motors, inverter, battery, wheel bearings, suspension, water pump, HVAC, etc. Even the engine isn't new in the box. It has been spun up for engine braking, maintenance mode, and burning off old fuel at some point during that time. Now, for the purpose oil changes, there are better, less wasteful ways of tracking when to change it. GM and Honda both monitor actual engine usage along with how hard it is worked to determine when to do it. Just tracking engine hours would be better than the basic miles one Toyota ported over from their non-plug ins.
Maybe hybrids should be equipped with “Hobbs Meters”. They measure engine time only when there is oil pressure. Commonly used in piston airplanes and farm implements. Being a private pilot I rent an airplane. It has a Hobbs Meter for billing renters by the hour. Airplane tachometers have odometers of sorts which increment at a speed based on engine rpm. Low rpm the odometer increments slowly. Higher rpm in increments faster. Only at full power does in increment in real time hours. This meter is used to determine when to do preventative service eg. oil changes etc.
on the pip, we are able to track lifetime ev and engine. mine is 60k odo, 40k ev and 20k on the engine. but pip does not track engine off in hv mode like prime and gen4 , so there are even less miles on the engine.