I live in greater fear of what this govt. is going to do (or not do) next. The coincidence of these alerts when Bush & Co. are failing in the polls is almost predictable.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(eyeguy13 @ Aug 10 2006, 10:10 PM) [snapback]301323[/snapback]</div> Don't forget that Iraq became a "threat" just two months in advance of the 2002 midterm elections at a time when it looked as if Republicans were going to lose control of the House of Representatives (the Senate was split 50/50 at the time). Well, we are not alone: And:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(DaveG @ Aug 11 2006, 05:20 AM) [snapback]301384[/snapback]</div> I think maybe you've hit on something there Dave....
In spite of no connection, this is already being politicized. Out of their own mouths.... "Republicans said it could be a turning point in a year in which they have been on the defensive over the war in Iraq."
You pea-brained political conspiracy theorists ever stop to consider that maybe the timing of the terrorist attacks are geared to happen just before elections? The clamp-down on this recent plot happened just before the terrorists were to do a “dry run.†The actual attack would have come much closer to the midterm elections. Conspiracy??? Blame the terrorists for the timing. Just look at the Madrid train bombings, they just-so-happened to occur three days before Spain's general elections . . . in which the Conservative party lost power. So, if you want a conspiracy, hows this: Terrorists time their attacks to help liberals win elections . . . because terrorists know liberals are weak on defense.
Its true this event will be politicized , specifically because people (chiefly those who allege this was staged, or at least hyped, to help the Republican elections) have already forgoten who and what the enemy is and is capable of doing. While i think that Vtie's ideas are meritoriioous the problem is I don't think the: 1, world has time for them to work, and two, that the extremists will actually let them work. They will lose power, and as such will try and thrawt the efforts you speak of at every opportunity. Only with that element removed, or substantially weakend, can your idease be implimented. This is much different that our victory through capitalization of Russia becasue of the directness of the threat. While Russia could have nuked the bejesus out of us it did not, and for the most part, excet in small third-world and developing countries, did not wage open war or attack the west. There weren't Russian suicide bombers willing to blow up planes. The Muslims are on the offensive and attacking. They are gaining strength because no one stands up against them. (or those who do are criticized as warmongers or racists) Muslims KILL, and until the "moderate" silent majority of Muslims do something about it they will continue to suffer along with the extremeists. (I am not saying that ALL moderates aren't doing anything but those who are doing something are not being supported vocally by a majoriity) When you have Mullahs, and other Muslim leaders openly calling for the deaths of Jews and westerners without condemnation (not token condemnation either) you have a problem. Imagine if the Pope stood up and said "Kill all fags"! (granted the churches position is that homosexuals will burn in hell, but as a rule it, meaing the Vatican, doesn't currently advocate hastening that result). You would have unimaginable condemnation, but when Muslim leaders advocate the same for Jews, people ask "well what did the Jews do to the Muslims to desreve death?" I know you can find examples that refute each point above, but they are just that examples and not mainstream thought or action.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(eyeguy13 @ Aug 10 2006, 10:10 PM) [snapback]301323[/snapback]</div> I could live with that. But, if I were the King of TSA , I would severely limit the size of what could be carried on, AND, I would have two lines for the security checkpoint. Line One: You have no carry-on luggage and are prepared to enter the checkpoint (whatever the requirements are at that time . . . shoes off, ticket in hand, etc.) Line Two: You have carry-on items and are prepared to enter the checkpoint. Line One has priority over all of Line Two. Line One goes directly to the metal detector. Line Two has to go through the bag inspection and then join Line One at the metal detector. If anyone is not prepared by the time they step over the line onto the security checkpoint area, they are made to once again go to the back of their respective line - thereby not allowed to create a traffic jam because they were not prepared. :angry: Think Soup Nazi on Seinfeld . . . “End of the line for you, NEXT!!!!†:lol: This system would allow for more thorough inspection of all carry-on items as it would definitely cut down on the amount of carry-ons. It's your personal choice. Do you want Line One or Line Two today?
The way I see it, by forcing us to restrict ourselves, the terrorists are winning. They want to change our way of life to more closely reflect theirs. If they can put us in a state of fear where we further restrict how we live in the name of security, then we are surrendering to them. The fear of terrorism will not keep me from flying. The fact that I probably won't be able to bring a bottle of water, or tea, or juice with me will do far more to make me not want to fly. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Marlin @ Aug 10 2006, 09:28 AM) [snapback]300864[/snapback]</div> Just hope that they don't lose your checked luggage. Unless you like not being able to go home after a trip.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Sufferin' Prius Envy @ Aug 11 2006, 01:08 PM) [snapback]301554[/snapback]</div> The answer is real easy - do what El Al does. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(vtie @ Aug 10 2006, 03:07 PM) [snapback]300993[/snapback]</div> Whatever. You have all the answers. Good luck with your Muslim population there and in the rest of europe. I know you need the immigration because of the negative birthrate you guys enjoy and you socialized way of life. Funny how many terror attacks you guys have had - you seem to be well versed in radicalizing them instead of integrating them. I hope that europe never needs the US to come to its rescue again. the seeds you have sown, again, have some real bad potential for the continent. enjoy life. sit back relax. don't worry, dont even take any precautions (not that you ever did always enjoying the backbone of others) - except, when you do need help, if you do, please do not call for help from the US. And while your analogy is true, i still make sure my car has all the airbags and other safety equipment i can get - just in case..... you on the other hand seem to want to drive a car without any safety equipment - just playing the odds....
I read it, but it is just one of the few examples that people use to disprove the rule. The truth is the Muslim community is not Totally disapproving of the terrorists efforts. Oh, granted they will secretly tell officials some information, but out of shear cowardice refuse to openly condem the actions. (also granted those Muslims who do condem the actions of terrorists are killed by... Muslims) That is why I gave credit to Vtie's suggestions that it the "heart's and minds" that we have to win over time. (even though he didn't say "win the hearts and Minds" that would be the result of his proposed social engineering). I'm not saying those avenues shouldn't be pursued, but they also cannot be relied upon! fas·cist Pronunciation (fshst) n. 1. often Fascist An advocate or adherent of fascism. 2. A reactionary or dictatorial person. Fascism From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Fascism is a radical totalitarian political philosophy that combines elements of corporatism, authoritarianism, extreme nationalism, militarism, anti-anarchism, anti-communism and anti-liberalism. Yep! ( must be the Italian in me becoming Nostalgic)
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Sufferin' Prius Envy @ Aug 11 2006, 11:34 AM) [snapback]301530[/snapback]</div> Okay. This makes no sense. These terrorist attacks, plots, whatever are helping conservatives win elections. Spain was an anomoly. And exactly where is Spain in the "War on Terror"? In the U.S. terrorist attacks put Republicans in power.. You'd think conservatives in office is the last thing terrorists would want. This would make terrorists very stupid. Terrorists are not stupid. Now if they're masochistic with a death wish, then it would make perfect sense. Until Muslims worldwide turn against the terrorists among them and say "enough" and act to do something, nothing will be effective. Certainly not war. This country has been fighting rascism for how long? How are we doing on that? It's better than it was because a majority of people started saying "enough" and acted to do something. We cannot give democracy to Iraq. They must take it for themselves. And we can't stop terrorism for anyone else. They must do it for themselves. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Devil's Advocate @ Aug 11 2006, 12:17 PM) [snapback]301565[/snapback]</div> I find it so funny that Bush is referring to "Muslim Fascists". The terrorists aren't fascists and I don't think Bush knows the definition of a fascist. Now read the definition and see if that sounds like any country we know? Or, to be less subtle, if there is any country that has been moving in that direction for the past six years?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Godiva @ Aug 11 2006, 11:56 AM) [snapback]301632[/snapback]</div> No, the terrorist are under the delusion that timing their attacks will help sway elections the way they want . . . whether or not westerners see through it or not is up to debate . . . but the “anomaly†of the Spanish elections and the timing of the bombings were quite telling. It reminds me of back when the Soviet Union would come out with a statement in support for one or another US Presidential candidate. Absolutely delusional! :lol:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(priusguy04 @ Aug 10 2006, 10:39 AM) [snapback]300839[/snapback]</div> Once for all, just ban all human beings from being carried on the plane. I am sure not too far in the future those sick Muslums will swollow explosives before jumping on a plane -- they planned to kill themselves anyway if a plane exploded, what makes us think that they won't hide explosives inside their body?
If you ban it on carry on, they'll just check it. Then they don't even have to be on the plane. Solution? Buy a Prius and drive everywhere.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Godiva @ Aug 11 2006, 05:47 PM) [snapback]301828[/snapback]</div> Where can I find a road map that will let me drive my Prius to Bonaire? (Hint: Netherlands Antilles, off the coast of Venezuela.) I'm just hoping that by November things will have gotten a wee bit less insane.