For me minimum always get three quotes/estimates.... Also are you simply adding a key/remote? If so you can order a key remote online and program it yourself....( this if its for a 2 gen with sks)
For just the mechanical door key hidden in the fob? If you have one that fits already (and it's Gen 2), any hardware store can copy it for a couple bucks. ACE Hardware made one for our Gen 2 several years ago.
You can self program a new key (if you still have one to duplicate), buy online for around $175 and program it yourself. And if you have AAA plus or premium membership, they'll reimburse you back a percentage of the lost key.
I need the Silver backed key. My key won't unlock the doors or start the car without the FOB being in the ignition. I put in a new battery but it still doesn't work. I use the valet key to open the door.
There is a button under the driver's side dash, by your knee area that controls the SKS functions. It turns it on and off. Maybe you have the SKS functions turned off? Has your key ever worked before? If you bought the car used and the key never worked, then you probably don't even have the right key. What a dealer / locksmith needs to do is erase your key memory and program a working key (they can program the key you currently have)
My keyfob lock/unlock doesn't work, but all other sks functions do. I decided to let a local locksmith program a new one for me. It's going to cost $260 after tax. Cheapest dealer price was $260 before tax, and it's an hour away. I recently bought the car, and it only has one fob (half working lol), so I felt it was just part of the purchasing cost like tag and taxes.
you probably have a stuck button, nothing else wrong with it. If you have AAA plus or Premier membership, they'll reimburse you for part of the replacement key (lost key)
My wife lost her Mini Cooper key fob, I bought a blank online for $100 on eBay and had it programmed locally for $50. An automotive locksmith can program any key though I think you can do it yourself manually for the gen 2s. That's not possible for my gen 3.
I've messed with all the buttons multiple times. I even took it apart and inspected the board (key fob is taped together currently lol!) how could I "unstick" the button?
Try to press the button, the one that's stuck won't "click" when you press down on it. To free a button that's stuck, you would just a very sharp knife (razor blade/exacto knife) and gentle pry it loose again.
All the proximity works. Wireless start and unlocks when I put my hand on the handle. Just be buttons don’t.
The button under the dash fixed my key. Thanks! I still need a spare key but my key works properly now. Gee, who knew?
That button reduces parasitic battery use when the car is going to sit unused for months. It is not continuously looking for a fob.