I was charging my car this morning at the mall and having a good sleep inside my car when suddenly I heard something bump my car. I woke up and noticed that the charging stops and saw a Tesla SUV next to my car. I got out of the car and the lady said, "Oh I didn't know somebody is inside the car. We just need a few minutes to charge". I was so pissed and I said "You're not supposed to do that" and left. As I was backing up, I saw their plate number and it says "HANDSOF". What an irony I should have told them to follow what their plate number says. Sorry for my post, I just need to vent.
Fyi - we have an entire thread going for plugin abusers here; https://priuschat.com/index.php?threads/138735/ 5 pages so far .... so there are plenty of folks you can commiserate with .
Maybe she really did need that few minutes, her car is pure electric. You on the other hand, are quite capable of driving off in a huff, in hybrid mode, lol.
Plus it makes no sense that a Tesla would stop to charge at an L2. After all there are DC QC's in the City of Palmdale, including a 19.2 kwh HPWC next to BestBuy. You can always make a hang-tag too - fill it out with "do not unplug". Or, get one of these; That way you won't get your shorts all bunched up if somebody gets in your space .
Yes that is true. That's why she said I need only a few minutes lol. Well this happened in Northridge area. Looks like they are not familiar of the area. Instead of arguing with them, I just drove off. Now I wish I should've purchased the Advanced model because it has a charger lock on it. So it cannot be disconnected by anybody.
Heck, whoever even said you need a plug on your Prius to be entitled to perfect treatment. Even a standard prius driver can be entitled. .
This is what it pisses me off, they feel like if they need it, they will do whatever they want because they are entitled. or because they own a Tesla. Wth.
If they actually needed a charge, I'd say they have priority. A PHEV can still go without a charge. A BEV stops going. Same reason why I don't use the EV spots when my Leaf doesn't need a charge and it's somewhat busy at the free charger. A BEV in need is a higher priority than a BEV that is mostly charged which is always a higher priority than a PHEV. I hate the idiots that block the EVSE's at the airport with their Volts while the Tesla's and Leafs and Bolts have to park elsewhere and not charge.
That's my hometown. Yeah, free charging stations bring out the worst in many. Lots of squatters and lots of entitled folks thinking that their charging needs (or their particular vehicle) supersede someone else. Very high odds that the owner who unplugged you didn't need the charge, but planned poorly looking for a free lunch. That's 100% fault on them. There are more than enough chargers around the valley with minimal planning to have lots of safe low charge backup scenarios.
I've been using these free Volta charging stations for 3 weeks now. I've been coming to work 1 hr early so that I can charge my car before going to work. Sometimes all 6 stations are not available when I go there at 6 am. But I don't unplug it.
A reasonable charging fee gets rid of the squatters and most of the entitled. The spots become much more accessible and wisely used.
But there are a lot of charging stations on that area that even if you have to pay $2/hr I would do it. If you can afford a Tesla how come you can't afford $2 to charge your car?