My contribution... Notice Im giving the "most dust competition" a run for it too! Cheers [attachmentid=4449]
The route you take on a day to day basis makes a huge difference in your MPG. I have 2 basic routs each with 2 variations at the end, the total miles varies by about .3 miles between them as I remember. The first 2/3 of each basic route varies a great deal. The last 1/3 has two variations that each can be shared. One has a big chunk with a long very gradual up hill to and down back but it is a 50 mph, and you dare not go 45 if you don't want someone else's front bumper in your back seat. The other has rolling hills at 35 mph. The last 2 parts can continue with hills up and down or a fairly flat section. The worse route will average in the high 40's mpgand low 50's mpg. The best route gets me in the low 60's mpg to low 70's mpg. Big difference lower speed small rolling hills followed by a flat portion all at 35 mpg it a clear winner I have just got a tank over 70. Probably an under fill it was colder this am when I filled and I usually fill on my way home in the afternoon. I will take it any way for a one tank mpg.
I managed a pretty good tank, that meets the 75 or over for more than 50 miles. I also could probably win the "most dust on MFD" competition. 77 over 560 miles. Picture below. Dennis