The reason I drive a Prius is the Hybrid Synergy Drive..... for all the obsolute advantage benefits over conventional drivetrain. Dennis
We bought a Prius because: 1. To make our Audi Convertable a weekend/get away/fun car. 2. Enviromental reasons... i.e. reduced fuel, reduced emissions. 3. Toyota quality, reliability 4. Honda sales people were jerks. 5. Now with a convertable and a 4 door hatchback Prius, perhaps when my old Golf drives it's last mile... I can get a Mini or GTI.
HOV lane access for the win! An 80 mile round trip commute of which ~40 miles is in HOV lanes. It will be saving about an hour a day on the commute time once the stickers get here. The Prius also gets more than double the MPG of our old CR-V. Nice to go from 2 tanks a week to 1.
MPG and Toyota Reliability sorry if i offend anyone, but F the civic hybrids... i drive quiet alot on the weekends, 200 mile each weekend
I voted MPG, but in reality it was a combination of everything listed (and a few things not listed). Given that I have a 64 mile R/T commute, and my previous car was only getting around 23 to 24 MPG, high MPG was certainly a big factor in my decision. But the technology behind the car itself was also a large part of it. And having owned other Toyota's, the reliability question never came up. I knew it would be reliable. And even the styling to me is attractive...