I have been watching the Model 3 and waiting for the Standard Range Battery (220 miles) since it was announced in 2016, like so many others. I wanted to keep the price in the 40’s and not the 50’s! Well I pulled the trigger this weekend and ordered a Long Range Battery (310 miles)! The reason being in order to get the full $7500 EV tax credit, which will expire at the end of the year. From what I understand is that when Tesla does announce the availability of the SR battery in Q1-Q2 2019, it will be about a 6 month wait due to the number of reservations in the queue. That will put the EV tax credit at $1875. The difference in price between the LR and SR batteries ($9,000) now becomes only about $3,600 with the difference in tax credits. I have really enjoyed my 2010 Prius. It has been a trouble-free car and has saved me a lot of money. I now have the same sense of excitement waiting for the Model 3 that I had waiting for the Prius. I looked at the other EV offerings but none of them compared to the Model 3 in my opinion. I could have saved some money going with one of the others, but like the Prius in its time, the Model 3 is the technology leader.
Congrats -- I have the adaptive cruise control in my Prius and love it, but the Tesla is light years ahead. Would love to have their auto-drive features.
The total is $56,700 before ttl. The Estimated Delivery is Nov.18 - Jan 19, the standard 2-4 months. The sales people in Raleigh, NC are telling me they are delivering in about 2 months now.
Holy Cow! I just received an email saying that my tentative delivery date is 10/2! I was not expecting it until late October at the earliest!
Wow -- that's great. Even though you are dumping the Prius please give us a full report on the new Tesla. I am especially interested in a review of the auto system. I'm wondering whether it follows closely enough and is aggressive enough to be useful. The Prius system is pretty darn good, but I wish it could be more aggressive in terms of closing gaps when the car ahead moves out of the way. In other words, I'd like to know whether people are constantly going around you in the Tesla auto drive and cutting in front of you.
I will be sure to give you a review after getting the Model 3. I have read on the Tesla forum where some have complained about it accelerating too quickly when a car moves out of the way!
My spot came up early this year but I just can't justify to myself to daily drive a $50k car more than 100 miles a day at the capital beltway. Owned my Prius for 2 years now and I'm on windshield #3. Good luck on the model 3 and report back here about your experience. Maybe I'll pick-up one when the Prius gives up the ghost.
Crazy, those things sicker in over $50k? I'm pretty much sold on the 2019 Honda Insight EX for under $23k for my next beater. 55mpg and it looks amazing. Has everything other than a sunroof, but not paying $28k for everything!
I picked up my new Model 3 yesterday in Raleigh! It was great completing the paperwork, etc. with no pressure sales tactics for add-ons; extended warranty, maintenance agreements, paint protection ...... Just sign the paperwork and pay for the vehicle for the posted price! All I can say is the vehicle is as awesome as advertised. The Enhanced Auto Pilot worked flawlessly on the drive home to Wilmington. It is impressive to know that it is still in the early development stages! After I have some time behind the wheel I will write a review on my impressions and experiences. I have not had this level of excitement for a vehicle since I bought my Prius in 2009!
The insight looks very promising. As for Tesla...I do like them but have a hard time with the sticker shock.
Yea, it took me quite a while to bite the bullet on the price. I had been waiting for the Standard Range battery and the lower price. When the EV tax credit was going to be reduced to 1/2 at year’s end it made the difference in price not so much. I still cannot believe I just paid more for this car than my first house!!
Yeah...I just can't justify it ( plus I've been known to be a 'tightwad' so that is a big factor ). Enjoy the car and keep us posted!