The cloth seats on this car don't breathe as well nor support the lower back as well as the ones on the Accord did. They are kind of sweat-inducing. There's nothing worse than Swamp Butt, so I ordered a cabby-style seat cover. This lumbar support was an expensive one on Amazon, but was they only one that didn't look too big. Lumbar support is behind the seat cover. The seat cover was the only one I could find that straps into place. Here's a couple pix of them installed. I'll post an update as I get some hours on them. Here's links to them on Amazon: Lumbar Pillow RS1 with Firmer Memory... ObboMed SW-7210 Natural Wooden Beaded...
"Swamp butt?" Those are some good looking beads, dude. I'm ok with the fabric seats, but I get "swampy" after just a few minutes on any kind of Softex seats. Or the vinyl seats in the movie theater. I'm doing good with the soft foam air cushion I bought. I feel like I'm driving a Kenworth!
I also like your interior color. That would look better with my white car. But instead, I ended up with "old man beige" seats. Let us know how your beads feel after awhile.
They feel great. They're not as big of a difference as going from a bare vinyl seat to beads (as on my motorcycle) but they keep things less sweaty than the nylon-based stock seats, for sure. The lumbar support makes an even bigger difference. I had the chance to drive a couple hundred miles on them this past weekend.
It's hard to get just what we want without either ordering from the factory (and paying more) or buying a higher option package than we want. (and paying more) I like the two-tone interior of my car, but not the dark gray exterior. I might put some retro-reflective Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) tape at some points on the side of the car for better visibility. I have most of a roll left from sprucing up my (also dark gray) motorcycle.