Yeah, I loved that show. It was perfect at the time in my life (a young boy) when it was first broadcast on television. I will always remember Vic Perrin's voice.
The Outer Limits and The Twilight Zone, two of my favorites when I was a kid. And they still are. I ordered the complete series of Twilight Zone from Amazon. Good for the long weekend. "It's a cookbook!"'
Used to watch The Saint at my friend's. Good show, seemed to go on forever... (Didn't have TV at our house till maybe 63~64?)
Outerlimit and Twilight Zone, I remember watching both, but can't be real time on original series, so it had to be rerun or new series. Great shows nonetheless! My favorite old TV shows were The Rockford files and Quincy, M.E.
In my childhood, kid's TV choice was capped at 1 hour per day, by majority vote, so the younger voting block always won. So Gilligan's Island and Hogan Heroes filled the daily quota early in the evening, before anything better came on. Occasionally saw Star Trek on weekends, when the other two shows weren't running. We were free to watch whatever the adults watched, so I did pick up some episodes of Bonanza and Gunsmoke, but never any Twilight Zone or much of anything else beyond evening news, Wild KIngdom, National Geographic, and some PBS. The favorite adult channel was 'Off'.
I bet not many remember this one. Unless you were a California boy. From 1955.... I saw most of all these shows in reruns. I was still too young in the 50s.
Dragnet. The F.B.I. COMBAT! MASH My hard-working parents were of very modest means. The TV was their only entertainment. And when young, I think my mom made the TV my babysitter. When not outside playing, I was plopped in front of the TV. The Honeymooners. The Ed Sullivan Show -- Saw the Beatles when they did their very first TV show in the US. MY SISTERS WERE SCREAMING... My dad was not impressed! "Who are those damn Hippies??!"
The list is endless. I have a cable channel that replays many of those old early classics. Sure brings back memories. When I'm not checking my oil, or adjusting the tire pressure, or sitting here on Priuschat, I'm watching old classic movies and TV shows. Keeping life simple in my "Golden Years."
I always enjoyed and respected MASH. For a lot of reasons. To me it remains such a unique phenomenon. It's never really been duplicated or recreated with much success. With MASH you had a series that could paint with such a wide brush, with episodes of near slap stick comedy, next to dramatic episodes of heart wrenching gravity. Sit down for an episode and you never really knew whether you were going to laugh or cry, but sometimes you did both. I think it was the perfect storm for what it was. I don't think it really could or even should be recreated today. Also a lot of respect for The Outer Limits, The Twilight Zone and Star Trek. Episode to episode, The Twilight Zone is amazing for the quality of the writing. And well, Star Trek is Star Trek. One of the forerunners of Sci-Fi entertainment that established that you could take a Science Fiction framework of considerable vision and scope, and use it as a platform to once again tell a diverse range of stories. I have enjoyed Star Trek, and it's many spin-offs and incarnations my whole life. I'm always rooting for it's next success. It may not be "Classic Television" but it's aged enough that I suppose you could call it "Old". But one of my favorite series as a young adult, was Northern Exposure. Again, I think it was a unique series that for the most part was very well written and was great story telling. I actually enjoyed the X-Files for many years, until I thought it became too singularly focused on it's own "main story". took itself too seriously, and stopped being fun. But in it's early years it was great "campfire" story telling. Recently like so many people, I have enjoyed Game Of Thrones, and I would say once again the common thread is superior writing and great story telling.
Amen to that. Very well said. When my dad got into his 80s, he could watch M*A*S*H reruns every day. He also recorded each episode on his old VHS player. Great TV show. I recently watched a special, and they went to the area where the outdoor scenes were filmed. It's in the Malibu Creek State Park. Lots of videos on YouTube, people going to see it.
Ginger or Mary Ann? (I guess it's not socially correct to ask that anymore. But most young men had a crush on those two.)
when i watch an old show i loved, i have to ask myself, 'why did i like it'? everything is so dated, time and place are important. i can't even watch seinfeld reruns anymore.