I just purchased a 2018 Prius Three. I have a couple technical questions ( well many but I will keep it to 2). Is the rear camera to purposely to catch part of my license plate in the picture and there's no directing lines in my camera lines just back up cameras, is this correct? How do I adjust the HUD display so I can use it? It is so low on the windshield, it is useless for me. FingerLakePrius
Ok so this isn't the right place. I would appreciate a link if you'd be so kind or give me thur moderators link. Thanks FingerLakePrius
You can always report your own post by clicking the “Report” button below the post. And just write a short description (e.g. sorry I posted this in the wrong forum, could you please move it?). Anyway, I saw this so I’ve moved it for you
Yes - the camera is meant to see some of the rear of your car, so that you can see exactly how close you are to things when you reverse. People need a frame of reference I guess. I'd say the bottom finger or two's height of the screen is taken up with bits of my car. There should be two sets of lines on the camera, blue ones and yellow ones. One set shows where your car will go if you're reversing in a straight line, and the other predicts where your car will go given the current steering input. They also have horizontal lines that roughly represent the distances where the reversing beep warning changes frequency. Both of these can be turned on/off in the car settings you access via the sat nav display. To adjust the HUD, turn if off and then back on again via the HUD button near your knee. For a couple of seconds after you switch it on, it allows you to adjust the position (and brightness) via the arrow buttons on the steering wheel. While you're there, the HUD button also allows you to cycle between off, speed only, and speed+acceleration/hybrid system meter. Without meaning to be patronising, the car manual and media manual (both available to download from Toyota) are genuinely worth reading. They answer all of these questions, and I learned a TON of stuff from them which has helped me immensely in the day to day use of my Prius.
There are definitely lines - and they work really well. I couldn't get a good photo, but this is what you'll see, only very clearly. As you turn the wheel, the yellow guide lines move from side to side. You will see 3 distance markers - plus the one I've marked "0" - means that you're almost touching - that's your back bumper bar. The other 3 are distances, not sure what they are, but I think the furthest is about 1.2 metres. The Manual's diagram isn't as clear, but shows:
Probably because us Brits can't reverse without crashing into stuff due to the steering wheel being on the wrong side. The lines help us!