Hey everyone! I'm currently driving a Volvo XC70. It's a cool ride but it only gets 22 MPG and I drive 30k miles per year, so my fuel costs are through the roof! I'm looking to replace it with a Gen II Prius, which would cut my fuel costs more than 50%. My commute is around 80 miles but I usually end up having to go downtown (add 40 miles), so I drive a LOT. It's mostly highway and a lot of country backroads. My main concern (coming from the best) is safety. My Volvo is really well built, but I just haven't gotten a solid feeling from the Priis that I've driven. The roads I'm on every day are lined with deer and occupied by those huge lifted trucks, so safety needs to be a top priority for me. How does the Gen II Prius hold up to these kinds of obstacles? Also, is it a horrible idea to buy a 2008 Prius (one owner, maintained) with 180k miles? I have had a Toyota hybrid in the past and I understand that the batteries will fail and cost around $1,500 to replace aftermarket, but is there anything else that I should be worried about? Lastly, I live in the country and a have to drive around a mile on a gravel road to get to the nearest paved road. I've heard that gravel roads can be a challenge for Prius drivers. How true is this rumor? I will appreciate any advice/knowledge that anyone is willing to pass on! James
compared to the price of your Volvo, as well as the cost of gas for it, you're gonna do well with almost any kind of Prius... Just set aside some cash for all the gas you don't have to buy in your Prius and you'll likely have enough to cover most repairs.
XC70 is a lovely wagon, but very heavy. No Prius will feel as solid. Calling it now: You will be somewhere between shocked and amazed at how much money the Toyota saves you. You will dearly miss the Volvo seats. Regarding safety? Call your insurance agent. The Toyota is cheaper to repair so the premiums should be a bit lower given the same risk. If the number you get isn't lower, maybe the risk isn't lower. For my money, youth counts more than the odometer in a car that includes a traction battery. Get the youngest Prius you can afford.
I'm going to guess that the OP lives north or west of Austin. Monetarily wise, a deer strike will pretty much total an old gen 2 if that matters to you. Also, figure a new Toyota battery in for true operating costs. Rebuilts are very sketchy. You'll need reliability. These folks serve the Austin area: Hybrid Car Battery Repair & Replacement | Hometown Hybrids
Thanks for the replies everyone! I've actually decided to replace my Volvo with a 2014-2015 Prius with low mileage. The advice here helped steer me towards that decision. And yep - I live north of Austin. Good guess!